cmarkum Contributor


  • There was already one there but I did make a comment. It looks like it has already be approved but more votes can hurt!
  • We have run into this. When deleting someone that owns cards you can change the ownership of pages, cards, datasources, to another owner prior to deleting them. When you click on "Delete Person" it will ask you to reassing the users DataSets before deleting. To find out the cards/pages owned by the user, you can go to…
  • You can use Beast Mode to calculate percentages. It would work the same as your doing with the calculated fields. Not sure what your provider (SQL?) is but beast mode would be able to perform the same functions. If you need some help with the calculation please provide a sample and I'd be happy to help.
  • There's not really a VLOOKUP function in DOMO. MySQL has a EXISTS function (e.g. SELECT COLUMN1 FROM T1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM T2) but I don't believe that is available in BeastMode. The obove compares the value from two tables. The functionality will still exists by using a subquery. If you have MySQL available in…
  • Try expanding it to 20 minutes or resetting the time (e.g 8:05AM instead of 8:00AM).I have also seen this if the SQL Server is running an incremental backup at the same time (which is why i'm suggesting to change the time) Hope this helps.
  • Domo has a Custom App that you can puchase that pretty much matches that. You could also build it using the App builder.
  • You can't enter a formula in the "Limit Data" on the date in the card. This would be a great idea to post in the Idea Exchange though! You would have to create a Beast Mode calculation and use that as a filter. CASE WHEN `DATE` >=CURDATE() then 1 else 0 end and then just add that to the filters area and filter for 1. 
  • You can only have one condition currently. You could setup two seperate alerts. One that if it is greater than 0 and one if it is equal to 0. The only issue with this is that you will get alerted if your dataset changes daily and the value stays at 0 for long periods of time. You could setup the alert to be weekly instead…
  • There isn't a way at this time to accomplish your request. There are a few suggestions in the Ideas Exchange to make this available which I recommend you review and like to get some momentum. The only way that I'm aware of is to Copy or Duplicate each card. You could use Publication Groups but that will limit the…
  • There currently isn't a way to resend an invitation. You can send them the link and it will ask for their email and will prompt them to enter in a password. This is how it used to work in the past but I haven't tried it in a while. If you are on Sinigle Sign On it doesn't require the user to click on the link. Hope this…
  • This happened to us and was a pain. I submitted an enhancment request to automatically change the drill path name upon creation. The issue is that the drill path name will source from the parent card. The security model gets confused and doesn't know what type of security it should have because Drill Path cards inherit…
  • In SUMO cards that are two views. You need to make sure that you are not in the table view but the matrix view. 
  • Currently, all cards in Collections will be listed first. I would suggest creating a new collection of "Other" or "Misc" and place them at the top. That is what we have had to do. You may create a new suggestion and see if there is any traction. 
  • I apologize. I didn't read the last post that this is available but must be requested. It would still be nice if there was a dataset that we could use to create our own dashboard.
  • It isn't available at this time but there is a request in the Ideas page to create a dataset/page with DOMO security information. If possible, find the topic and like it so we can get more traction on this request. For audit purposes, it is a necessity for us.
  • This is currently unavailable but as stated it can be done by DOMO. There is an enhancement request for this scenario. If possible, please go to the Idea Topics page and like the request so we can get more backing for it.
  • I'm not sure that will work. It is one line per ticket with two distinct dates. Created date and closed date. I don't need the state of a ticket at a given time. I only need the count of tickets where the Created Date = Month. Then, I want to count the number of tickets where the Closed Date = Month. I basically need the…
  • There is an easy way to do this. We did the same thing when we first started. In the Data Center, select the current Data Source(.csv file). Click on the "Cards" tab at the top. This view will show you all of the current cards connected to that data source. On the right side of the screen, there is a link that says "Switch…
  • We wanted some other metrics that were not included in the predefined data sources and had to contact support to create a new data source for us. I'm hoping that they create something that we can manage ourselves. 
  • I may not have explained it well. We were using the "Last Value Projection" feature in a bar chart and noticed that it only goes out one period. I was just curious if there was a way for it to go out more than one period whether it be year, quarter, month.
  • We have been using WB 3 for a while and haven't had issues.