I really like the way you did this, next is capturing the difference from day to day so all I did was say (a.users - b.users) as 'Change' and I get my day to day change
Great solution. well done
I don't see where it discusses how the data is protected in detail? or the recovery process? Do we have anything that talks about that? The service Agreement talks about Service Availability, but it's vague in the backup process I don't walk away from that document saying I know that Domo does xyz with Amazon and xyz…
I got my answer full join left join right join
It's not optimal, but it will do.
I'm curious how you did this? Is this anything you can share in an image?
this is great, can you point me to something similar using magic and Redshift?
Personally I would want to track when a customer changes. That too could be interesting to see and answer the question how ofter do our customers change thier orders. To do this you would just make a history table that tracks the changes. So, you have a current table that holds the current most recent data, then using…
Agree with SQL in Redshift. That's going to be the way to go
Not sure I understad the question. I'm new to Domo as well, but don't you just hook to the Data Connector? You use your salesforce password and enter the API token and you should be good to go, and most likely be overwhelmed with all the data you will have access to
After troubleshooting some more, I was able to find that it depends on the query you use with the Connector. I was using the general qry connector and it appears I have to use the ticket query
I was able to find it. You go to the appstore. Click on the apps you have loaded and then click uninstall