brycec Contributor


  • Weird. Might be a bug then. I would reach out to Domo Support.
  • I believe what you are looking for didn't exist, until the latest feature update at the end of January. It should now be built-in and possible. Current Release Notes - Workflows: Initialize Variables
  • I'm not sure how you would download files from Domo. But if you just mean get the data from an Excel or other file in that folder and put it in a DataSet, that is possible. We usually use the report "File Download" on the SharePoint connector in Domo, enter the exact Site ID, then putting in the file path to that folder.
  • Do you have a sandbox instance? Adding a DataSet to a sandbox instance requires it to have PDP rules enabled, even if you just set it up to give all rows access to anyone with DataSet access. Otherwise, you could just go to the PDP tab of the DataSet and turn off the PDP if you don't want it.
  • You can use the DomoStats People report as a DataSet to get a user's last login timestamp. Then, you can use the built in Code Engine function DOMO Users > deleteUser.
  • You can use the Utility > Add formula tile to achieve this. Put it just before your append tile on the line coming from your new data. Name the column, something like snapshot date, then put the formula as CURRENT_DATE().
  • Which API are you using and how are you authenticating? You should be able to use the Product API endpoint for Code Engine and use the X_DOMO_DEVELOPER header to authenticate with an access token.
  • I'm not aware of any limits on that API, but it certainly could have some. More likely, Postman is unable to handle that large of a response, and that is why it crashes. I'd suggest trying some other API endpoints, like query in the same API you are using. Or you could use the Product API endpoints of export to S3, query,…
  • I believe you are looking for the Card Permissions report on the DomoStats connector. DomoStats
  • CASE statements are exclusive, so once it finds an option that is true, it exits and doesn't evaluate other options. Not sure really how to explain it better, but I do have the solution. This is what variables are for! :) They are wonderful honestly. Create a variable that has your options of YTD and MTD, then create a…
  • @MrDeanoB Any chance you figured this out? I am looking to achieve the same thing and have had no luck so far.
  • If it is pulling the same date for every row, it sounds like you aren't grouping on the correct columns. What columns are you grouping on? You'll want to group in a way that identifies the unique row that you want the date aggregated for.
  • First thing I noticed, you don't want to have DAYOFMONTH in the check for Last Year, because comparing less than or equal to would mean you skip 05-2023 through 12-2023. Second, I would suggest splitting out your calculation into different formulas or even different tiles. So, I would first calculate your max date in a…
  • This should be achievable. What is your Beast Mode formula right now?
  • Are you saying your date is stored as a string/text column and not of date data type? If so, you'll need to use the function STR_TO_DATE() to convert the column to a date first, then you can use the other Beast Mode I sent.
  • You'll want to use the data repair feature. Add this exact string to the end of the URL of the DataSet: ?_f=dataRepair Then, you'll now have a new tab on the DataSet called Data Repair. Navigate to it. Now, you should have all the tools and options to do what you need. It'll let you delete updates, replace updates with a…
  • You can use Domo's undocumented public API for this. To authenticate to it, create an access token from these instructions: Use that token as the value for the header X-DOMO-Developer-Token when sending your API request. To find the right endpoint, required parameters, etc. just open up the network developer console in…
  • This is supported by Domo Everywhere. Under the Private Embed section of this page should provide what you're looking for.
  • Is the problem you're running into that it's aggregated on the card but you don't want it aggregated on the drill? If so, you can create a DataSet using a DataFlow that aggregates the values for the card, then use a different DataSet that's not aggregated for the drill. I'm probably not understanding the problem well. Feel…
  • I don't think so, but maybe someone else knows better than I do. Domo only allows one aggregation level, and two when using FIXED. You can try to change the options for that column at the top (where you normally format the value), and see if you can change the total option to SUM. But, I'd assume that would cause three…
  • Sounds like the Domo connector was probably built poorly and doesn't include it. I'd suggest using the JSON No Code OAuth connector and just using AirTable's API to build a request yourself. You can test the API in Domo or in a tool like Postman first to see if the URL field returns correctly.
  • Are you trying to drill from the table you shared? If so, it should be pretty simple. Just create a drill on that card, build out the view your looking for, then to drill click on the program in the table. Bonus, you can actually stay on the drill level but just x out the filter for program shown in blue, and it will…
  • You could use a YoY chart to show them like this on the same chart. Or, you can use a Beast Mode to filter to that date only, like: `(CASE WHEN DATE_FORMAT(Date, '%Y-%m) = DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 13 MONTH), '%Y-%m') THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END)
  • You could divide the number in the Beast Mode such that it is represented in millions or billions, then append in the concat a label like mil. or in billions.
  • Have you tried using the performance tiles that are provided in Magic? They should work perfectly for this. Here's the documentation for them:
  • Have you tried saving as and seeing if a new card would save correctly or trying to create the card from scratch? You're right, it should allow you to save the card with the subtotals collapsed or expanded. But sometimes cards get messed up and restarting from scratch fixes it.
  • Make sure you submit an idea in the ideas exchange, because this discussion board isn't for feature requests. I'm commenting here to remove this from the unanswered questions.
  • You should be able to achieve this using FIXED functions in the Beast Mode. Here is the documentation for them: You'd want to use the FILTER option of the FIXED function to make sure your monthly NPS isn't affected by the fields you specify.
  • This might be able to be achieved using a FIXED function in your Beast Mode. Here's the documentation for FIXED functions in Beast Modes: It would probably look something like this: AVG((sum(Sales in Jan 2023) FIXED (BY Shop) - sum(Sales in Jan 2022) FIXED (BY Shop)) / sum(Sales in Jan 2022) FIXED (BY Shop)) I haven't…
  • I find that Beast Modes often fail if the top-most level of the calculation is not an aggregation, but aggregation functions are used elsewhere in the Beast Mode. What I mean is, in your calculation, you are using SUM several times, but the top-level of the Beast Mode is a CASE statement and a divide operation. This may…