@JohnXClifton - I was able to get a working solution running utilizing a Webform and then a Dataflow that output an Upsert dataset. I setup a Domo Webform with all of the fields that I wanted within the dataset making sure each field had the proper schema and the exact name as the variable in the Workflow. From there I ran…
Thanks @DanHendriksen
@DanHendriksen Thank you for the input. I am not too familiar with AppDB, so I am trying to develop a process that requires minimal coding and doesn't require the use of a Brick. The goal of the process is to be able to have a reporting dataset that users can see the individual status of their requests as it moves through…
As we have transitioned to use more DataViews, this would be extremely helpful when looking at a DataSet Overview.
No difference from a regular VIEWED CARD action. Just know that I didn't actually view the card in Domo…only extracted it to excel. I am guessing I will need to submit a comment in the Ideas Exchange to get this information added.
I did some more testing this afternoon. The first time you extract the card to excel, it does create a record in the Activity Log showing that you viewed the card that you extracted into excel, even though I did not view the card on the page. I am also not seeing anything in the "Brower_Details" column for this event.…
Thanks @ArborRose . I was referring to the basic functionality of extracting card data to an excel file. I found a user in our company and tested the add-in from a participant level and they were able to install the add-in and extract data from a card they had access to. I think my confusion came from the old plug-in…
We've noticed this last update seems to have made accessing BeastModes a bit slower as well.
@ST_-Superman-_ - The dataflow makes sense. Just means I would have to create another Sales Dataset and re-setup PDP if I want to use a chart like this. We have other statistics that we would want to incorporate into the Value Column such as Quantity and Weight as well that would also need to come over. Also would need…
Not sure how you could use the Count function, but a possible solution to this might be to use multiple Case Statement BeastMode calculations (or combine it into one long BeastMode). 1st BeastMode: Create a Case Statement column for when Status = "Accepted" = 1 else = 0. 2nd BeastMode: Create a Case Statement column for…
I have noticed this issue as well. Usually happens when I remove a column. The label from the deleted column stays, even though the data field is different. The column labels don't appear to move with the data fields so every column after that column has to be renamed.
A couple ways that we have used to work around this issue: 1) If its always the same items for the analysis, create a BeastMode Filter using a 'Case When' statement and list out of the items one time in a Case Statement (actually used excel to program the statement and copied it into Domo so I didn't have to type all the…
After discussing with Domo Support, I realized that even though I took their access away by removing the page from the "Default" Group they "Editors" and "Privledged" users still had access to the datasets on that page through "Cards" that had been assigned to the Group. Ended up having to go through all of the cards in…
I was not referring to Access Rights. This a new user I am beginning to train to help launch Domo in our European subsidiary. I set this user up a couple days ago, initially as a Participant. I upgraded him to an Editor this morning. I gave him access to two pages that only had cards from our EMEA datasets. However, when…