alexpeay Domo Employee


  • @David thanks for using Domo and thanks for stopping by the Dojo. Domo has a number of ways to connect to Data Sources that may not be listed in our Connectors area. For example looking quickly at Terradata it looks like you should be able to connect to Terradata using ODBC or OLEDB. Both of these connection types are…
  • @kshah008 I can confirm that the above answer is correct, we should mark this as answered.
  • @Octothorpe Workbench 4 has been out for over a year, have you upgraded? Are you still having the same issue? 
  • @Brian_L Currently in Domo as you share cards you are implicitly sharing the data from the DataSet the card was built on. If the user you share the cards with is an editor, priviledged or admin user that will mean they have access to the DataSet and can use that DataSet to create additional cards. This model enables a very…
  • @Adunne This will be very dependent on the data source that you are uploading. If you are dealing with an excel sheet with a few rows you should expect to have access to that data very quickly since the loading and indexing of the data will be very quick. If you are loading millions or rows from a local data base using…
  • @skyrocketdojo are you still having issues with your excel file? We run a lot of tests on excel files and have not been running into issues. If you are seeing something still I would like to talk to you so we can understand your situation and make sure we fix your issue and expand our test cases to cover your scenario.…
  • @HMB_DS is there a reason you would want to use your local machine as the SFTP server? We (I am the Data PM for Domo) are looking at an option would allow Domo to provide a hosted SFTP to push your CSV files to, would that be something that would help your situation or are there other reasons that you are looking to use…
  • Raj, You should be able to use the ODBC option in Domo Workbench. This would not be something that is set up 'in Domo Web' rather it will all be configured in Workbench. Were you able to get this working? I see it has been awhile since you made the comment, do you still have questions?
  • @skylerh thanks for your question. You can find our support statement for Workbench here: **If this was helpful give it a like, if you need more information please reply**
  • @ManseauN To re-iterate what others have said, the only way to share a DataSet is to build a card and then share the card with the users you want to have access to the card. This will share the DataSet and allow them to build cards and interact with the data in the DataSet. The recommendation of sharing a card with a group…
  • @ecenteno Workbench Pro Tip: In Workbench 4 you can use Windows Task Manager to schedule more complex schedules. While you will have to get into some awesome Windows admin screens (which will make you enjoy the WB interface even more) it gives you the flexibility to do almost anything for the schedule (specific dates,…
  • @Medinacus Upsert is a feature that is currently under development. We are expecting to release it into production use in the fall.