@GrantSmith the result give individual Gross grand total(column) level for each Qtr and add up ranking as Net grand total.. Not sure how we can decide the ranking as grand total level top 10 items. result should be 69,692 - rank 1 25,980 - rank 2 20,980 - rank 3 20,314 - rank 4
Region / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Amount Total (column) Applied beast mode as below function but doesn't work for me.. not sure how to apply ranking 'Amount Total' side. (this column doesn't appear in datatable) RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY `Region` ORDER BY SUM(`Amount`) desc) <=10 then 'include' else 'exclude'
right example : how to get via beast mode total column for Top 5 result for each region.
example here you go...
@GrantSmith there is no column for 'All Total' column we should consider Grand Total (Column) how we should bring top 3 items only
i tried something coming as NULL Value so calculation not working then how to overcome if null make it zero then do this calculation.
Pls suggest How to avoid Includes 5 cards and sent by user name on DOMO.. while sending the file. Regards RN
@MarkSnodgrass @RobSomers - We don't find the option to frozen button in pivot table either chart properties and will you able to see that then pls share the snapshot for the same. Regards