Never mind, I found it. I did not realize there was an option to Run Explain Plan in the transforms.
Could someone help me out with this or provide me with some direction? Thanks in advance.
Never mind. It is working fine. The rows that I thought were missing were in a different order in the output.
There are a total of 1172 Items , but all Locations aggregated for an item. So basically just 1 location. For each item there are upto 72 weeks of data so the dataset has a total of 84K+ rows. Thanks.
I have access to Redshift, yes. It does not necessarily have to be MySQL dataflow.
Ok I will try it out.
This works.Thanks. Prajwal
Hi Dan, Thanks for your solution. I actually came up with a relatively easier solution: select a.item, a.location,, @value = case when @item <> a.item or @location <> a.location then (ABS(b.z - a.x + a.y) + (b.z - a.x + a.y))/2 else (ABS(@value - a.x + a.y) + (@value - a.x + a.y))/2 end final_column from a inner…
This works. However I want to parition it on 2 columns. How to modify the code to achieve the same? Thanks, Prajwal
I faced a similar problem and this code works, but takes really long for big datasets. Is there a more efficient code that can be applied to huge datasets. ?
Hi, I came up with this select a.item, a.location,, @value = case when @item <> a.item or @location <> a.location then b.z - a.x + a.y else @value - a.x + a.y end final_column from a inner join b on a.item = b.item and a.location = b.location, (select @value := 0, @item := '', @location := '') x order by a.item,…
I am joining 3 different tables and performing calculations on the 3 columns in the 3 different datasets. I have indexed columns which are involved in the join. How to index on the transforms?
Hi, You will need to create a MySQL Transform as follows: 1)Select the input dataset 2)Apply the following transform: select supplier, fruit_size, min(price) as 'Cheapest Price' from example_data group by fruit_size 3) Create an output dataset. This should work. Let me know if you have any other concerns.
Thanks a lot. It worked like a charm.:)
Can anyone help me out with this error? I am not able to figure it out.
Hi, Which function should i use exactly? I tried but could not figure it.
Hi, I am getting the following error when I run the SQL transform: "The database reported a syntax error. Subquery returns more than 1 row" Regards, Prajwal
Hi, Thanks a lot for that. I will try it out. Wrt outliers, that was precisely what I was thinking. Average is definitely not a good indicator when there are outliers. I could use median but I could not find median aggregation in DOMO. May be grouping them in to buckets will help deal with outliers much better. Regards,…
Hey, So I have to create a visualization to find how long it is taking between 2 events. For example, what is the number of days between when a photo is clicked and when it is edited and how this trend is changing over time? I did create a Beast mode DATEDIFF() function calculation on the y-axis with date on the x-axis. I…
Thanks. I will check it out.