I think rephrasing it as following will give more clarity: if it does, filter it out from A (to avoid dupes), if it doesn't, then append. Your workflow will have one new B and two versions of dataset A. You will have to use Left Join to mark the duplicate values, say "Duplicate", then filter out the duplicate value and…
Try using single quotes 2 times: INSTR(`column name`,'DOMO''s') Then should help.
You can simply do DATE_FORMAT(`Date`,'%m/%d/%y'), will save you concat.
Is the append manual or automated? I think Recursive workflow can solve this issue ?
Select all the characters before a character or word: .*are) Example: Hi #Something how are #you doing David. Result: Hi #Something how Select all the characters after a character or word: are.* Example: Hi #Something how are #you doing David. Result: #you doing David.
Hey, Use Facebook Advanced Ads connector and select Ad Campaigns in the deatils section of the connector after providing proper credentials. You can Facebook ad connector under Datsets ---> Connectors --> Facebook Ads ---> GET THE DATA
You can use DOMO workbench connector to export your data into DOMO from a specific location on your local network. If you want to edit the data manually just open the file locally, make the necesssary changes and save the file. Every time a file save is detected DOMO auto exports and update the data in datacenter.
Go to Chart Types --> Gauges --> Single Value You can format the field to show the whole value or any decimal places.
@DomoBeaver You can convert that column's datatype in a workflow to whole number ?
This seems to be a problem with the data source. Just check if your source dataset is setting the right datatypes. If you cannot correct that, then change the column datatype in a workflow and power your card with the transformed dataset.
This works. Otherwose DOMO treats the 1st comma as the decimal point and rounds up rest of the number. Example: 1,053, 233 will be treated as 1.00 when you perform mathematical operations. REPLACE(`number_column`,',','') takes all the ',' off and makes the text 1053233, that is treated like a number.
Group By on date, aggregate(sum) for Impressions and clicks and no aggregate on CTR.
You can do almost every possible calculations within the workflows. I have created those for my custom apps. If you want you can share your use case and we can work together on the solution.