Mr_53 Member


  • Whenever I have seen this it is because someone else is already logged into workbench. We have two people with access to workbench and if I ask them to close out of workbench and close and reopen it, it removes that status.
  • I was able to get it to work, I had two problems. first !{lastvalue:}! is case sensitive it needed to be lower case. second I had to format the date TO_DATE('!{lastvalue:EFFDATE}!', 'YYYY/MM/DD') so the final product looked like: SELECT DISTINCT A.* FROM WH_ACCTDEPOSIT A WHERE A.EFFDATE > TO_DATE('!{lastvalue:EFFDATE}!',…
  • In my experience when using AND & OR conditions parenthasis are key, I would write it like this: case when (support=y and (city=MNO or city=XYZ)) then Troops end
  • My guess would be that you are trying to put a non-date with a date, so you might need to convert your date to a string then that or COALESCE should work to replace those nulls. or if you are unable to convert the date to a string you could choose a date that you know doesn't exist in that table such as '1800-01-01' 
  • In our experience MySQL is a little tricky to optimize with indexing, so we have switched to redshift which handles the indexing for us, and we have seen dramatic speed increase even over ETLs. Redshift also has the added benifit of choosing only the columns you want to bring in on the input itself which has sped up our…
  • we just tried that today but there are a random amount of spaces between data, so it loads a column for each one of those spaces. Is there a way around that?