MichelleH Coach


  • @rmbourne It looks like you are missing the % sign at the beginning of your second DATE_FORMAT function, so your second date is not being properly converted to a date
  • @scpradhan Could you please share some details of how your ETL is set up?
  • Completely agree! There have been multiple times I've had to add a tile to an input before appending and not notice that the Append Rows tile setting changed until after it ran.
  • @VictorLuiz Once you find out which time zone the instance is set to, you can change "GMT-8" in your formula to the corresponding IANA time zone name (e.g. "America/Los_Angeles").
  • @VictorLuiz What about your Domo instance time zone in Company Settings?
  • @VictorLuiz Is your instance set to a time zone that respects daylight savings? Daylight Savings Time began on March 10, so I suspect it is related to that.
  • @Sbhatia As long as the "Hide Date on Card Details" box is not checked, the user will be able to view data from previous months if desired.
  • @Sbhatia You can filter it to "Current Month" using the Date Range filter in Analyzer, as you would any other card
  • @TheScotsman To start, I would suggest learning more about SQL (specifically SELECT statements). Here is a good tutorial to get you started on the basics: . You can also learn more about MySQL Domo dataflows here: While knowledge of SQL is definitely helpful, unless you have a pressing reason to use MySQL dataflows…
  • @Kyle_Russell It looks like there are some spaces in the as well. If you wrap a TRIM function around it that should work: CAST(TRIM(REPLACE(`Amount`,',','')) as DOUBLE)
  • @Kyle_Russell It looks like the commas are causing the numbers to be imported as strings instead of numbers. Try this formula to remove the commas and convert the datatype: CAST(REPLACE(`Amount`,',','') as DOUBLE)
  • @Kyle_Russell Could you send some examples of values in those columns? If there are any extra characters, like dollar signs, in the original fields you will need to remove them before you can use the alter columns tile.
  • @deona720 You only need to include the word CASE once within a case statement, but every CASE must be concluded with the word END. I also recommend using the LAST_DAY function (which returns the last day of the month) over the MONTH function since it also accounts for the year. Your formula should look like this: Case…
  • @ScottLeeds I recommend using a beast mode with the IFNULL function to default to the Pre-Lease % Summer 2024 value when present, otherwise use Pre-Lease % 2024: IFNULL(`Pre-Lease % Summer 2024`,`Pre-Lease % 2024`)
  • @robdmitchell There are a couple different ways you could do this in MagicETL: Date Operations Tile: Use the Difference between dates operation, with hours as the unit of measurement Formula Tile: Add a field with the following formula: DATEDIFF(`DateTimeOff`,`DateTimeOn`)*24 +…
  • @haihoang According to this Knowledge Base article, FIXED functions do not currently work on federated datasets. However, based on your screenshot you do not need to fix by ent_name if you are already grouping by that field in the X Axis. You can just use a sum of intDuration in the Y axis.
  • @Jason Is Curious Are you using the same field for the color rules in the "Series for Color" spot in Analyzer?
  • @Jason Is Curious How many programs do you have? Would setting Color Rules by program work for what you need?
  • @Viswaja Do you have any fields in the Sorting section of Analyzer?
  • @Mendoooza Check out the DataSet Copy Connector, which can be used to transfer data between instances
  • @ArborRose That's correct. The reason I mentioned the Domo Dimension Connector is that the "calendar.csv" report includes fields to indicate whether each day is a weekday or holiday, which you could use to exclude non-working days from your ranking
  • @ArborRose What if you used the isWeekday and isHoliday fields in the Domo Dimensions Calendar dataset to create a "Working Day of Month" dimension that you use for the X-Axis in your cards? You should be able to apply a rank window function partitioned by month and year to all the non-holiday weekdays to come up with that…
  • @scpradhan You could use a variable for "Number of Days" instead of using the date range filter, then you could reference that variable in the beast mode that @ArborRose suggested
  • @JakeWright Does your dataset include a date column for the first day of the week? If so, I would recommend using an Unpivot tile in MagicETL to turn your day of week columns into separate rows. Then you can use a formula tile to derive each individual date by adding a certain number of days to the Week Start Date based on…
  • @shreeyab The issue is because you are grouping your data by Day, so your calculation only includes orders from that particular day. Just so I understand your requirements, what should a weekly average by day represent? Is this the week to date average, rolling 7 day average, or overall average (including future dates)?
  • @shreeyab Can you please show some screenshots or examples of the incorrect results?
  • @shreeyab If your data is already grouped by day, then you can change the numerator to SUM(`Orders`)
  • @shreeyab This largely depends on how your data is structured, but assuming you have one row per order you can use a beast mode like this and group by week: count(`Order`)/count(distinct `Order Date`)
  • I agree with @marcel_luthi that the issue is likely caused by the nested aggregation and that it would be helpful to see a sample of the data. I'd also suggest summarizing the logic you used to create the beast mode in words so we can point you in the right direction.
  • @SayyedHussain I'd suggest checking out the New Product Features page to see which new features may be valuable to you. It looks like there were some new chart types and bricks that became available in last month's release.