@RZ That's odd. I was also able to replicate the issue, so it sounds like a bug. For what it's worth, the "Go to Card Details" interaction produced the same behavior. I'd suggest putting in a support ticket to notify Domo.
@RZ I see what you mean. I'd recommend disabling interactions on that table card to avoid confusion.
@RZ I'm not sure I'm following. Why are you clicking on it if you don't want the filters to change? Have you tried setting a different interaction on the card?
@RZ What is your desired behavior in this situation?
I don't believe there is a way to do this, but I think it's a great idea. If you submit this to the Ideas Exchange I would upvote it.
@HowDoIDomo Are there specific tiles where you're losing work? It may help to see a screenshot of what you're seeing. Also, when you change the input file are you adding an entire new Input tile or just changing the dataset on the same tile?
@HowDoIDomo It usually works for me if I just the "Create Copy" option
@Jez Your beast mode should look like formula below. SUM(IFNULL(`Reserve_Amt`,0)) / SUM(IFNULL(`Premium_Written`,0)) Instead of multiplying by 100 and adding the percent sign in the calculation, I recommend using the native Percentage formatting once the calculation is added to the card. If this does not answer your…
@ArborRose If you filter using a Views Explorer instead of the Data tab, there is an option to export the filtered results as CSV instead of saving the view.
@Glory711 There are a few NOAA weather connectors in the app store. I'd suggest checking those out to see if they give you what you need.
If you have both positive and negative values, I'd consider a different chart type to display the data, like a waterfall chart.
@Joe_Pitcher I second @ggenovese's advice. I would also recommend adding validation rules to manual data sources whenever possible to prevent these data quality issues upstream. For example, if your data is coming from a spreadsheet then consider adding drop-downs and datatype validation in the spreadsheet so that the…
@scpradhan There is a feature called Fiscal Calendar that you can use to filter and compare dates based on your company calendar. If you haven't already I'd recommend reaching out to your account team to get one enabled.
I would argue this is more than just a quality of life enhancement. I have seen situations where the user forgets to deselect all when creating the quick filter, but when the data updates with additional values in that field those new values are not automatically selected in the filter. This means that users are not…
@s_f_OTT I'd suggest checking Format argument of your STR_TO_DATE function. Based on your screenshots, the formula should look like this: STR_TO_DATE(`dateField`,'%c/%d/%y')
@kim_barragan0126 Based on your screenshot, it looks like your source data is from Excel. Likely what's happening is that you have a typo in one of your date columns. Since you only have 5 date columns, I'd suggest opening the filters of each date column to look for invalid date values. If a value is invalid, Excel cannot…
@Nandha_Kumar_1 Can you tell us a little bit more about the purpose of the SQL dataflow and what the procedures and while loops? There may be alternative methods you can use to make the dataflow more efficient. @GrantSmith's guidelines are good best practices to apply regardless of which type of dataflow you are using.
@ColemenWilson It looks like Domo just released a grant to control access to AI Chat
@Nandha_Kumar_1 Domo typically times out dataflows around the 24 hour mark. Though looking at the number of rows your dataflow is processing, there is likely opportunity to make your dataflow more efficient. What kind of transformations are you doing?
@verytiredgirl Are you the owner of the dataset? That should give you access to the revert option
@SamS The DomoStats Activity Log dataset will show you more details on who has accessed the card and when. You can filter to the card ID and Action = "VIEWED"
@ksmith If you click on the information icon next to the card name, it will open a dialogue that lists all the dashboards where that card resides
@Andy_A Is your data structured as a single row per response? If so, you may be able to visualize the results in a bar chart better by using an Unpivot/Dynamic Unpivot tile in ETL to create a row per response and checkbox.
@Arthi Annadi A few things to consider: Are all of the cards using the same dataset? If not, verify that the name of the field used for the filter is exactly the same in all the cards (including capitalization) Check the interaction settings on each card to verify that interaction filters are enabled and that the KPI card…
@verytiredgirl You can delete a previous update from the History tab of the dataset. Navigate to the row associated with that upload, open the "Actions" menu on the right, and select "Delete this update". I believe you need to be the owner of the dataset for this option to be visible.
@ValentinaS I don't believe Domo has any native capabilities for what you're describing, but you should be able to use a variable in the drills to change which dimension to graph by. Check out the documentation on variables:
@swadds Without knowing how your current data is structured, I would recommend creating a beast mode to represent each individual metric and adding each of those as columns to a table card along with a column to represent the fiscal year. You can then transpose the table using the General chart properties so that it is…
@Miaomichi How do you have the partitions set up?
@chetan_cricut Do you have any sort fields in your card? Does the card exhibit the same behavior if you remove it?
@ColinHaze In that case, you can use the MySQL documentation since that is the version of SQL Domo uses. Here is the documentation of their string functions: