@kim_barragan0126 Does it have to be the week end date? There is a beast mode function called YEARWEEK that will return the year and week number of the date field. So if you wanted to create a metric for total starts per week, you could do something like this: count(`StartDate`)/count(distinct YEARWEEK(`StartDate`))
@NateBI Forgive my question, but what is the purpose of this chart? With so many bars, you'd be better off converting this to a table or creating multiple visuals rather than trying to squeeze labels into a giant bar chart.
@Utz Joins can return more rows than both tables combined if multiple matching rows are found between the two tables. In this case, it sounds like you want to return the same number of rows from your left table, but the same ItemNumbers appear multiple times in your right table. Without knowing the nuances of your specific…
@verytiredgirl If you haven't already, I suggest reading @GrantSmith's write up on this topic:
@sourabh05 Depending on your role, you should be able to move existing pages under Admin > Content > Dashboards. Here is an article about how to move a page from that screen:
@Data_Devon Can you confirm that the Google Sheets account used in the connector has access to the sheet?
@ColemenWilson I was able to create an alert from a card built from a dataset view. Does the card not even show the "New Alert" button?
@andyhicken I often find content that has been shared with Domo Support if they have ever needed access to troubleshoot an issue in your instance for a support case. There shouldn't be any harm in it being shared with them but you can probably remove them if you don't have any open cases
Great idea! I would love the same option when exporting a dashboard as a PDF and Powerpoint as well
@Chris_Wolman Assuming the previous user was using dataset connectors, you should be able to add additional owners to the dataset account:
@DataLawton If you select Previous > Last in the card date range picker, it will give you the option to select Last 8 days, which should give you what you want. Note that Domo's Last X Days/Weeks/Years etc. includes the current period.
@briang001 Are you looking for all possible chart types that can be used or all cards that have already been created in your instance?
@Abhishek_Singh You can do this by using the SQUASH_WHITESPACE formula in the Formula tile
@Utz Fixed functions require the aggregate function to be listed twice like this: CASE WHEN SUM(SUM(CASE WHEN WAREHOUSE_CODE IN (18, 19) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) FIXED (BY WAREHOUSE_CODE FILTER NONE) > 0 THEN 'Exists' ELSE 'Does Not Exist' END Also note that you can only use FIXED functions in Beast Mode, not Magic ETL. If you…
This is really cool! I'm a Yin Water Rooster!
@ColemenWilson Here are some of the things we show on our landing page for all users: Embedded Domo training videos for general navigation and interacting with cards FAQs - What is Domo, why do we use it, how often do our primary data sources refresh, where to go for help, etc. Links to the most viewed cards/dashboards…
@VictorLuiz Do you know what role you have? I believe the view from my screenshot requires admin access
@VictorLuiz If the cards are locked, you will need to need to make the user an owner of those objects. You can do this in bulk by going to Admin > Content > Cards, selecting the ones you want to, and clicking "Add card owners" from the Edit drop down.
@B_arnett_1_9_8_8 Where specifically are you seeing duplicates (card, dataset, etc.)?
@jgrout I don't see options to set column widths on a pivot table card, but you could try checking the "Allow text to wrap" box under Chart Properties > General to see if the column with lots of characters displays better.
@Roman_K In the Pivot tile, you will need to specify a value of WEEK_END_DATE in step 4 for every column you want displayed in the final dataset. I don't recommend pivoting by date in Magic ETL for a few reasons: It is cumbersome to add every possible date column when creating the dataflow It requires constant upkeep as…
@elvira_bannon Once a recipient unsubscribes from a scheduled report, they cannot be added back to that specific schedule. You will have to create a new instance of the report schedule by choosing the "Schedule as Report" option from the card/dashboard you want to sent and reconfigure the original schedule with that person…
@user060355 Are you using Beast Mode or Magic ETL? If you are using Beast Mode, filtering by a rank will cause an error because their results are dynamically calculated in the card. This will have to be done in Magic ETL using a combination of a group by a constant (first two calculations) and a Rank and Window tile (third…
Not being able to choose how values are displayed is especially clunky when paired with the fact that dates can only be natively grouped (using "Graph by") as a column, not a row. It makes it challenging to display information concisely without having to scroll
@Data_Devon I've found it most useful to focus specific use cases. For example, we rely heavily on Domo for systematically identifying exceptions that need correcting based on a set of criteria according to data from our other systems. In that case we can measure benefits by measuring the time to resolve exceptions before…
@Matthewr336 Yes, you can do this in Magic ETL using a Filter tile to only include rows where PaymentInFull is null.
@cmarino The country values in your data likely don't match the format that Domo is expecting for that chart type. According to this KB article, the World Map chart matches the data to the country based on the country's 2-character ISO country code. Here is a Wikipedia article with the list of countries by ISO code:
@MParr I've not experienced this, but I recommend reaching out to Domo Support to see if they can restore the old dashboard.
@RZ That's odd. I was also able to replicate the issue, so it sounds like a bug. For what it's worth, the "Go to Card Details" interaction produced the same behavior. I'd suggest putting in a support ticket to notify Domo.
@RZ I see what you mean. I'd recommend disabling interactions on that table card to avoid confusion.