MichelleH Coach


  • @benm_2000 Is there a policy status column in your dataset? If so, you can drag it from the Dimension section of Analyzer to the chart columns to include it in your card. However if you are unsure, your best bet is to ask whoever requested this change for some clarification on what specifically they are looking for. If…
  • @benm_2000 Can you elaborate some more on what you want with this column? Are you trying to flag policies to rescind based on certain criteria?
  • @Zel Can you confirm if the Monday Test2 (X-axis) field is in a string format? Does the pill in Analyzer show "abc" or a calendar icon? If it's a calendar, you may need to wrap the entire formula in a CONCAT function.
  • @barb_barney_88 I'd also suggest exploring subset processing in MagicETL, which will allow you to request smaller amounts of data on your Workbench dataset (last 30 days, etc.) and merge with the existing output data.
  • @Zel If you don't want the date gaps, you can convert the dates to a string using the DATE_FORMAT function: DATE_FORMAT(case when DAYNAME(`Date`) = 'Sunday' then DATE_SUB(`Date`,interval 6 day) else `Date` - DAYOFWEEK(`Date`) + 2 end, '%Y-%m-%d' ) Note that if you do this, you will need two versions of this beast mode: one…
  • @Zel Try changing the Graph by in your chart to "None". When it is set to "Week", the chart will still convert all weeks to starting on Sunday, so you want to bypass the default date grouping.
  • @Zel Apologies, I forgot to include the date field in the DAYNAME function. It should look like this: case when DAYNAME(`Date`) = 'Sunday' then DATE_SUB(`Date`,interval 6 day) else `Date` - DAYOFWEEK(`Date`) + 2 end
  • @Zel I second @david_cunningham's recommendation about a fiscal calendar. If this is only a requirement for this card, then I suggest creating a beast mode to transform your date field to the most recent Monday to use for your series like this: case when DAYNAME = 'Sunday' then DATE_SUB(`Date`,interval 6 day) else `Date` -…
  • @Bkinzel_21 You can create a Beast Mode tooltip using a FIXED function. Add the following Beast Mode to calculate the % of Year: sum(`Result`) / sum(sum(`Result`)) FIXED (by `Year`) Drag the new Beast Mode to the Tooltip 1 spot (if you don't see this you will need to click the Tooltips button on the top ribbon to make it…
  • @pauljames Yes, you can add email addresses to scheduled report distribution lists.
  • @Strongreece The issue appears to be coming from the % symbols in your filter. These can serve as wildcards when using the LIKE operator, but when using the = operator it looks for exact matches. For exact matches, your filter should be `Cadence name` = 'Outbound - Short'. If you want to return all rows that contain that…
  • @SherryR Have you tried using the "Not used in Card" filter in Beast Mode Manager? It sounds like this might accomplish what you're looking for. Here is an article with more info on Beast Mode Manager:
  • @Cbrack There are a couple options you could use, one within MagicETL and one in Analyzer: The Pivot tile in MagicETL will convert your rows to columns as you're describing. From your screenshot it looks like you only have two columns in your data, so you would need to add a dummy column for the "Select the column(s) that…
  • @Robaba04 Your "week" calculation is the closest to the logic used in Redshift, but you will need to put a FLOOR function around it to round down to the nearest integer: FLOOR(DATEDIFF(`end_date__c`,`start_date__c`)/7)
  • @rahulrampa What kind of filter are you using? Card quick filters should be automatically sorted alphabetically. If you are using a filter card, then you can use put the same field in the Sorting section of Analyzer and sort Ascending.
  • @Mwatson It's possible that if there are extra characters, like commas, in your field that it is still not able to convert your text to a floating decimal. Try using this formula to remove all non-number characters except decimal points and cast to a decimal: CAST(REGEX_REPLACE(`Ad fees`,'[^0-9.]','') as DECIMAL())
  • That's how I interpreted it as well @Sean_Tully @HowDoIDomo - You can also combine datasets in a dataflow and use the resulting dataset in a single card. Dashboards/stories allow you to arrange cards side by side to effectively "combine" visuals, but cards still exist as independent objects within Domo.
  • @TC1199A Be sure that your formula takes the sum of the average and includes a date dimension in the fixed by clause
  • @TC1199A That makes sense. FIXED functions are perfect for this type of scenario. Here is a helpful article on how they work with examples: I realized I had a typo in my original comment. Here is the corrected version: sum(avg(Volume)) FIXED (BY Customer,MONTH(Date))
  • @TC1199A I'd recommend using a FIXED function instead like this: sum(sum(Volume)) FIXED (BY Customer,MONTH(Date))
  • @TC1199A Do you have any aggregation set on your volume field? It sounds like it may be set to calculate the average rather than the sum.
  • @TMonty0319 I'm not aware of a systematic way to do this. However, I also don't recommend using Magic ETL to pivot date fields for a few reasons: This eliminates the date field, which means you can no longer use date-based filtering (This Week, YTD, etc.) Every new date would add another column, which you would then have…
  • @Stu5677 If your card is set up with a measure for Call Count in the Y Axis and a dimension for Inbound/Outbound in the Series & X-Axis, you can separate prevent the drill from filtering by switching to two beast mode measures (no series) instead like this: Outbound: count(case when `Direction` = 'Outbound' then `Call ID`…
  • @NFerna When using the LIKE operator, be sure to use the % wildcard so that it matches values that that contain the letters "TVS" but don't match exactly. It should look like Variety LIKE '%TVS%'
  • @Dev_ Subtotals of ratio calculations can show an unexpected result if the beast mode does not specify the aggregation. So, if your beast mode is Labor Cost / Labor Hrs it is calculating the ratio for each row individually and the subtotal aggregates the results. If you want your subtotal to represent the ratio of the…
  • @PJG You should be able to replace YEAR(Month,2024) with YEAR(Month) = 2024 to get the results you need since the YEAR function returns the year of the date field in parenthesis and you only want to consider rows where the year is 2024.
  • @pauljames What do you have set as the Data Selection on the input tile and Update Method on the Output tile? Is it possible either dataset is set to Append?
  • EDIT - @RobSomers' suggestion will work best for this case since the Benchmark Value and Name are columns in the dataset. I will keep my comment below for reference on the syntax in multi-condition case statements. @NFerna Your thought process is correct, but you just need a few adjustments to your syntax. You are likely…
  • @pauljames I agree with @DomoDork that blank values are likely the culprit. Are you using IFNULL or NULLIF? The former checks whether a value is null, the latter forces certain values to null. Try this formula for your filter to check for nulls and empty strings: `fieldName` is not null and trim(`fieldName`) <> ''
  • @JasonAltenburg Yes, I've tried on multiple browsers and devices. I was finally able to see it on my phone, so I suspect it is something with our Firewall as you suggested.