MichelleH Coach


  • @rahulrampa What kind of filter are you using? Card quick filters should be automatically sorted alphabetically. If you are using a filter card, then you can use put the same field in the Sorting section of Analyzer and sort Ascending.
  • @Mwatson It's possible that if there are extra characters, like commas, in your field that it is still not able to convert your text to a floating decimal. Try using this formula to remove all non-number characters except decimal points and cast to a decimal: CAST(REGEX_REPLACE(`Ad fees`,'[^0-9.]','') as DECIMAL())
  • That's how I interpreted it as well @Sean_Tully @HowDoIDomo - You can also combine datasets in a dataflow and use the resulting dataset in a single card. Dashboards/stories allow you to arrange cards side by side to effectively "combine" visuals, but cards still exist as independent objects within Domo.
  • @TC1199A Be sure that your formula takes the sum of the average and includes a date dimension in the fixed by clause
  • @TC1199A That makes sense. FIXED functions are perfect for this type of scenario. Here is a helpful article on how they work with examples: I realized I had a typo in my original comment. Here is the corrected version: sum(avg(Volume)) FIXED (BY Customer,MONTH(Date))
  • @TC1199A I'd recommend using a FIXED function instead like this: sum(sum(Volume)) FIXED (BY Customer,MONTH(Date))
  • @TC1199A Do you have any aggregation set on your volume field? It sounds like it may be set to calculate the average rather than the sum.
  • @TMonty0319 I'm not aware of a systematic way to do this. However, I also don't recommend using Magic ETL to pivot date fields for a few reasons: This eliminates the date field, which means you can no longer use date-based filtering (This Week, YTD, etc.) Every new date would add another column, which you would then have…
  • @Stu5677 If your card is set up with a measure for Call Count in the Y Axis and a dimension for Inbound/Outbound in the Series & X-Axis, you can separate prevent the drill from filtering by switching to two beast mode measures (no series) instead like this: Outbound: count(case when `Direction` = 'Outbound' then `Call ID`…
  • @NFerna When using the LIKE operator, be sure to use the % wildcard so that it matches values that that contain the letters "TVS" but don't match exactly. It should look like Variety LIKE '%TVS%'
  • @Dev_ Subtotals of ratio calculations can show an unexpected result if the beast mode does not specify the aggregation. So, if your beast mode is Labor Cost / Labor Hrs it is calculating the ratio for each row individually and the subtotal aggregates the results. If you want your subtotal to represent the ratio of the…
  • @PJG You should be able to replace YEAR(Month,2024) with YEAR(Month) = 2024 to get the results you need since the YEAR function returns the year of the date field in parenthesis and you only want to consider rows where the year is 2024.
  • @pauljames What do you have set as the Data Selection on the input tile and Update Method on the Output tile? Is it possible either dataset is set to Append?
  • EDIT - @RobSomers' suggestion will work best for this case since the Benchmark Value and Name are columns in the dataset. I will keep my comment below for reference on the syntax in multi-condition case statements. @NFerna Your thought process is correct, but you just need a few adjustments to your syntax. You are likely…
  • @pauljames I agree with @DomoDork that blank values are likely the culprit. Are you using IFNULL or NULLIF? The former checks whether a value is null, the latter forces certain values to null. Try this formula for your filter to check for nulls and empty strings: `fieldName` is not null and trim(`fieldName`) <> ''
  • @JasonAltenburg Yes, I've tried on multiple browsers and devices. I was finally able to see it on my phone, so I suspect it is something with our Firewall as you suggested.
  • Thanks Grant. I've tried that as well, but still no luck.
  • Same here. I still only see CSV files on Scheduled Report attachments.
  • @MisterJimenez What chart type are you using? Is it the standard bar?
  • @MisterJimenez Could you please share a screenshot of what you see in Analyzer?
  • @jtrollinger Assuming you are defining the last invoice as the record with the most recent InvoiceDate, then you will need two steps to accomplish this: In the same Group by tile, include this formula to identify the most recent date having an invoice with "A" in the number: MAX(case when `InvoiceNo` like '%A%' then…
  • @Gavatar That does work the first time, but when additional data is added to a card with collapsed subtotal rows, the new data is not automatically collapsed. For example, let's say today I created a card that includes YTD data with subtotals by month. I can use the icon in your screenshot to collapse the subtotals so the…
  • @SamanthaC I'd suggest adding a file upload/webform dataset that includes a list of all profit sharing customers and their respective profit sharing rates. You can then join your source data to this table on Customer Name/ID in a MagicETL, then use a formula tile to add the following calculations: Profit Sharing Flag: case…
  • @art_in_sky By overlapped, do you mean there are duplicate rows? Would you be able to share some screenshots of what you're seeing (hiding any sensitive information)?
  • @art_in_sky I'd suggest using the Unpivot Tile in MagicETL to restructure your data into 3 columns: Chapter, Date/Month, and value. Then you can create a card with Date/Month as your dimension, Value as your measure, and Value as your metric.
  • @scpradhan Yes, here is an article on how you can add images (and links) to tables:
  • @ArborRose Have you tried using Color Rules to highlight columns/values?
  • @Jones01 The rank is likely what's causing the issue here. Since beast mode is dynamic, it is having trouble ranking a dimension while simultaneously also defining that same dimension. Here are a couple options you could consider instead: Change your chart type to a bar chart, where you can use the native "Max Number of…
  • @Jones01 Is there any sorting in your card? If there are, try removing the sort fields to see if that removes the duplication.