JacobFolsom Contributor


  • This will run faster is you utilize indexing in MySQL (help article), which would require a transform for each of your tables to create two new columns for the month extracts you are joining on...e.g. LDGRDATE_Month and LDGRDATE_PriorMonth. Once those columns are created, you can add an index to them prior to joining them…
  • posted duplicate to new internal dojo board https://dojo.domo.com/internal/discussion/55255/how-can-i-use-the-match-function-with-a-declared-variable-string-in-a-mysql-dataflow#latest
  • The solution here requires using the SQL transform instead of the Table transform option in MySQL flows with a few steps below. Disclaimer: I would probably solve this in other ways, but to answer the specific question gives some detail on how stored procedures work in MySQL flows. Step 1: Write a SQL Transform to add a…
  • @JustinB , case when impressions < 20 then 1 when impressions < 40 then 2 when impressions < 60 then 3 when impressions < 90 then 4 else 5 end If you need to use SUM(Impressions) then it will no longer allow you to average. So that impressions number would need to be rolled up to the granularity needed for the scoring…
  • I might recommend using a Pivot table with the Hierarchy for Campaign and Ad set on the Rows and set the Aggregation to Average on your Ad Score beastmode. When you collapse at the Campaign level, this summary becomes more clear
  • Here is a working example of applying custom background and font color to a table cell. In this case, if sales amount total is <300K then it's red background with white font, otherwise green background with white font. CASE WHEN SUM(`Sales Amount`) < 300000 THEN concat('<div style="background-color:red; color:white;…
  • @Gulam , check out this on Ideas/Exchange https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange/Allow-for-user-entered-parameter-which-ban-be-used-in-beastmode/idi-p/32652
  • @PantoViz I would love this as well. Domo Product Team - Adding my ideas here to configure filters with 'scope' settings: * Apply to card, apply to entire page, apply to page + subpages. Also, would love to see filter configuration settings for 'priority' * (1) ignore card filters or (2) observe card filters. This would…
  • OVER() indicates the function is not a plain aggregation, but an analytic function. It's also called a window function because you can specify a window of rows to evaluate. In the example above, OVER() is empty which indicates that the SUM is to be across all-time and all groupings, thus returning the grand total. Here is…
  • Good call out @Godiepi . I would also recommend looking into bullet graphs as a visual alternative. You can configure data labels for each section. This works well when you need visualize single or multiple categories and plot actuals vs target vs range values. Also, notice the summary number which uses the referenced…
  • Hello @user11319 , The Cloud Connector for Access is SFTP connections only, so you will use Workbench and connect through the ODBC driver to query the tables stored locally. For more info, Check out this post in Dojo for the solution
  • Great suggestion. We currently do not have this option. Please submit this to the Dojo Ideas Exchange http://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange-suggest-and-vote/idb-p/Ideas. There are some exisiting requests for radial gauges, mostly around dynamic ranges instead of hard coded labels, as you mentioned with the beastmode…
  • Hello @Godiepi , This is currently not a documented feature. I recommend you reach out to your Customer Success Manager and they can bring in a member of our Tech Solutions team to have a working session with you to explore best practices and use.
  • Hi Jay, Color formatting is not currently an option. You can upvote the existing request here https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange/add-color-formatting-capability-to-SUMO-Card/idi-p/15651 I should also point out that our Product team is developing a new pivot table functionality that will be a table chart type, with all…
  • Hello @Justin1 , thank you for your question. There is not an option to delete associated content when deleting a dataflow. I suggest making an enhancement request through ideas exchange. I agree it would make sense to provide the configuration to choose, instead of just indicating that a dataset is affected.