JacobFolsom Contributor


  • @tmerchant this error I would guess is coming from attempting to do the calculation in a Magic ETL formula tile, which does not allow aggregation. It will run in a beastmode on a card as @david_cunningham tested. If you want this to be in a Magic ETL formula, use a Group By tile instead, select the columns groupings and…
  • Jumping into an old post here to confirm from a customer conversation today that there is now a feature in Checkbox Selectors that allows Select All or None. Once the filter card is on a page, you will see this a the top of the card Once that is checked, you can then 'Select none' to uncheck all
  • @swilliams PPT exports and Scheduled Reports are designed to be a screenshot rendering of a card and have a limitation of fitting onto a single page, which with long table cards will cut off the table. Couple of thoughts moving forward: When you send/export a card to print to PDF, the table gets larger, but still limits to…
  • @Pritesh I haven't bumped into that one, but a workaround to consider since you are using scripting tiles in Magic ETL may be to handle the null values prior to the python tile using a formula tile. For example, I have a couple columns in my dataset with a null value and choose to write formulas to set defaults for text or…
  • @randall_white more specifically to your data, I believe you need a new formula for received/ordered that calcs the running totals by unit ordered by date…something like this: SUM(SUM(received)) OVER (PARTITION BY UnitNumber ORDER BY Date) / SUM(SUM(ordered)) OVER (PARTITION BY UnitNumber ORDER BY Date)
  • @randall_white there is a feature in Domo tables to display as running total in the ‘Show Values As' menu of a column. I have tested this out in Pivot Tables, and it seems to work vertically, but not horizontally.. For example, my pivot table below will sum up revenue in running total for all rows in September column…but…
  • @arnabm Unfortunately, this is not currently an option in the UI. My recommendation would be to submit a post to the Ideas Exchange as Product Feedback for others in the community to upvote the idea of having an exported dataset containing the projections. If you haven't posted there before, check this post out…