The new plug-in doesn't have the same features as the old one. You might be able to replicate what you want with a custom visualization but I'd recommend logging a ticket with Domo.
I'd recommend logging a ticket with Domo Support as this sounds like a bug with the Domo Office plug-in which they control.
CURDATE returns the current date in UTC format. If you want to convert it to EST you'll need to subtract hours from the UTC time to get EST time.
What I recommend is restructuring your data so that for each date you have a period type defined which is in relation to the selected date. This will allow the users to select a specific date and then also a period type which you can then filter on to show data relative to your filtered date. I've done a write up on how to…
Currently, variables don't support date ranges. What you'd need is two variables for each date range - a start date and an end date and then compare those in your beast modes.
You just need to subtract your other aggregation in your beast mode: SUM(DISTINCT `Temp GP`) - SUM(`Amount`)
Alternatively you can restructure your data so that for each date you have the values for the current date and last year to allow for easier filtering. I've done a write up on how to do this here:
Magic ETL can't parse PDFs, you'd need to use a scripting language or another tool to do this outside of Domo.
Hi @calvert_schaefer You can re-architecture your data so that you have different periods defined for each date. This way when your users select a date it will still have the prior values you're looking for. I've done a write up on this here:…
Due to how Drill Paths work it will automatically filter the column you select. There isn't a way to force Domo to filter your drill path based on a specific value in the row's data. I'd recommend logging an idea in the idea exchange to allow you to select which field would be used for the drill path filtering.
What I've done for forcing a single selection dynamically is calculate the row number based on a key with a window function and always select rows with the first key found so that only one record is found. You can apply this on the card filter.
I've seen Domo Bricks behave differently depending on which one you've used as your base and which package it was using to build the brick. You could attempt to build your app as a fully custom app or try using a different brick as your base. I think I've had success with the 10 dataset brick.
The error is because it's taking too long to pull the chunk of data. Can you attempt to pull smaller amounts of data?
You'll need to reach out to Domo Support to see if they can get you a more detailed answer as likely something is happening in the backend.
Because how Domo processes the data with the Pivot table you can't have your data elements display positive but your total negative and vice versa. I'd recommend logging an idea in the idea exchange to allow for this.
This is because Domo interprets all dates as UTC when they get imported. If your SQL server is configured for a timezone other than UTC you can use a date transform in your workbench job configuration to specify which timezone you're importing with.
Private Embed is built around the assumption that a users has a login and access to Domo and is built using a user model. A public embed is around an embed model where it counts the number of times the page is displayed and doesn't require a user to log in but will expose your dashboard to anyone who has access to the…
If you're on consumption it should be included. If not your domo administrator or customer success manager would be able to get the answer for you.
I'd recommend logging a support ticket for this issue.
Since your FY starts in February, you'll need to re-order your month numbers so that Feb = 1 and Jan = 12 (shifting the month numbers down by 1) CASE WHEN `Month Number` = 1 THEN 12 ELSE (`Month Number` - 1) END
You can try and use the FORMAT function to format your Date field to a string in the format you want: FORMAT(`date`, '%H.%s')
You've got a COALESCE inside your COALESCE and you don't have your parenthesis properly terminated / closed. Try copying the forumla I posted directly above. My original formula had an issue. I've updated it.
You're subtracting a negative number so it ends up adding them together which is why you're getting 105 which is the span between your two numbers. It sounds like you want to take the difference of the budget and the absolute value of gross profit: SUM(COALESCE(`Budget GP`, 0)) - ABS(SUM(COALESCE(`Gross Profit`, 0))
COALESCE will work in either a Beast Mode or a formula tile or custom group by aggregation logic in Magic ETL.
@hollyrene1225 - I recommend restructuring your data so that you have multiple periods within the same dataset. I've done several writeups on this and it allows you to show multiple periods on the same graph. You can find more information on how to do this here:…
You can coalesce the values to default to 0 if they're null: SUM(COALESCE(`Budget GP`, 0)) - SUM(COALESCE(`Gross Profit`, 0)) Edit: updating the formula.
You can also use the Date Selector on the page as well to select a specific granularity on the graph. Alternatively if you want to allow the user to display the MoM, YoY and WoW on the same graph you'll have to restructure your data. I've done a write up on how to do this here:…
You can use the pfilters get parameter in the URL link. You can find more documentation on it here: 2. In your URL you can have it open in the same window with target="_self" <A HREF="…" target="_self">Hyperlink</A>
Currently the maps don't support highlighting just the states with a border. You could attempt to create your own custom map with the states having the border applied already and then just display the chart. You can read up more on custom charts here:
You can use the group by tile to group based on the Position Owner and do a count. Then, do another group by tile to do it based on the candidate owner. Once you have those two, you can full outer join them together based on the Owner name. Finally you can fill the count field into a formula tile and to an IFNULL function…