can you share a screenshot of your filter card/page?
If you're looking for ways for Domo to automatically add the trend lines, it's not possible. You have to either have the field in your dataset or create them using a Calculated field. You can use the Line + grouped bar chart type to visualize it. You have ti add the trend line fields first to the chart and go into Chart…
any update on the ability to read parsquet files?
I dont think that's possible because of the way that chart type works. It will always make the first series the line. You cant hide the line and show only the bars.
How are you loading the data into Domo? are you using workbench or one of the domo connectors or file upload?
I did something like this by aggregating the data in dataset. What I mean is appending the aggregation of Monthly data with aggregation of Quarterly and then with Yearly. For example: Select Date , sum(Revenue) as Revenue, 'Month' as Granularity union Select Date , sum(Revenue) as Revenue, 'Quarter' as Granularity union…
yes you can do this in a grouped by chart. In chart properties, go to Trellis/Tiered date settings and changed the Show as drop down to Tiered Dates. See screen shot
most of the connectors also allow you to get notifications when a dataset fails. click on the wrench and select Notifications.
have you tried saving the file as a tab delimited file and then upload the tab delimited file to Domo?
Are you using the 'Sold-to Industry Code 1' field to join? is it possible you're join is causing the nulls to fall out? make sure you're doing an outer join.
this is a tough one. Interested to see if anyone else has a solution to this.
Try the Period over Period chart types. it allows you to align by day of the week. I think you can do something like the screenshot below
Currently, there's no way to do this in Domo using drill downs. It can only go down one path when it comes to drill downs. However, instead of doing drill downs, using story mode you can have all the drill down cards on one page linked to the top level card. When a user clicks on a date/series of the top level card, other…
Are you trying to show the Total of the bars or just the label for one of the bar series? I'm able to show the total of the bars above the bars.
I don't see how you can use filters in this scenario without impacting the count of distinct donation ID. I think you'll have to include those counts in your dataset as additional columns.
Instead of increasing the Font size, try viewing the page as a slideshow. The title size looks good in slideshow mode
At the end of your DELAY2 beast mode, multiply the entire thing by 1. For example (case when `DELAY` = 'One' then 1 when `DELAY` = 'TWO' then 2 end) *1
There's no way to data mask but you can use Personalized Data Permissions on the dataset to hide certain records.
try this: CASE WHEN `Date` >= '10/01/2016' and `Date` <= '09/30/2017' then `value` else 0 end I noticed you had single quotes around the field names. the field names should have the ` character(on the same button as tilda)
Go into Chart properties and under General, check the following 2 boxes: Sync Value Scales Hide second scale
i don't think so. I don't think there's a way to set different levels of aggregation(WTD, MTD,etc) in Sumo and you cant use Beast mode in Sumo.
actually you might be able to do it. You'll have to create beast mode fields for all the columns. the first would be something like this: Date Beast Mode: case when `DateField`=CURRENT_Date()-1 then 'Yesterday' when WEEK(`DateField`)=WEEK(CURRENT_Date()) and YEAR(`DateField`) and YEAR(CURRENT_Date()) then 'WTD' when…
What does your current dataset look like? I think you will have to pre aggregate those rows in the dastaset.
With these new intraction filters, can you force them to only select one value. the the example you posted, if the filter is defaulted to 2017 and I click on 2018, would it unselect 2017? Or would it show data for both years?
Make sure your file type still a CSV.
Can you show a sample of your data/scenario?
Go to the Datacenter and on the top white strip, look for the Magic Transform section. Click on the SQL icon and select either MySQL or Redshift(i dont' think it matters). From the next page, click on the select the Input Dataset drop down and select the dataset you have created. Then click on Add Output dataset and write…
Participants don't have access to the Analyzer. If you want them to use the analyzer, then you have to change them to Editor or higher security group. However, once they have rights to use analyzer, they can make changes to all cards they have access to.
are you sure the Str_to_date function in your beast mode is converting both dates to the same date correctly?