Elnaz Member


  • One additional change that could be done on the Flex table is this: Allow to reverse the colour direction for each field individually, because now you can only reverse the colour direction for the whole table at once. For example if you have revenue and cost in one flex table, one should be green as it increase and the…
  • @ArborRose Yeah I totally understand, thanks for your time :) I was just explaining the reason it is not working, so we can find a solution for that.
    in Flex table Comment by Elnaz July 2024
  • Thank you @MichelleH! :) Sure, I will do!
    in Flex table Comment by Elnaz July 2024
  • @ArborRose Thanks! The problem in your solution is that the color rules that you have put are not working, as you conditioned expenses change > 0 as red, however it is still green for positive change in your flex table.
    in Flex table Comment by Elnaz July 2024
  • @MichelleH Thanks for your reply! That will reverse the color direction for all the variables at once, however what I need is to have some variables green as they increase and some other red as they increase, in one individual table.
    in Flex table Comment by Elnaz July 2024
  • @ArborRose Thank you for your reply. I don't think this works, because I don't have the changes in my variables, and the changes are calculated by the flex table directly. So it compares each week with the week before, as I have chosen 'Penultimate value' change for a weekly table. So what I want is to change the color of…
    in Flex table Comment by Elnaz July 2024