@Shwane @Ashleigh here is the idea on wishlist bit.. please vote for it.. Ashleigh, love the bricks idea.. great for DEVs, but idea is for the "normal end users":
Could we also add a feature to this to mass handle NULL OR blank strings (even if one space) I always end up writing something like: case when `col1` is NULL or Len(trim(`col1`) <1 then '' else `col1` end
Hey @Ritwik I think @MarkSnodgrass is probably right, some how maybe you have nulls and empty strings in there.. here's Mark's idea in one case statement... Case when `Vessel` like '%RB%' then 'Exclude' when `Vessel` like '%roll%' then 'Exclude' when `Vessel` like '%adv%' then 'Exclude' when IFNULL(`Vessel`, 'Y')='Y' then…
Hey @Rvannoy , Please copy your full code for CASE with IFNULL and I will try it out.. @DuncanDomo
Hi @Rvannoy DOMO probably thinks they are null.. so trying using IfNull(), here is some demo data and result: Here is the code for checkString BeastMode.. Case when `Vessel` like '%RB%' then 'Exclude' when `Vessel` like '%roll%' then 'Exclude' when `Vessel` like '%adv%' then 'Exclude' when IFNULL(`Vessel`, 'Y')='Y' then…
Anyone interested in an alternative approach.. I implemented @GrantSmith's idea in the DOMO Dojo instance.. Step 1 - build 2021 calendar using the above integer explode technique.. see: I added a new flow / output to generate every…
Cheers @jaeW_at_Onyx, all credit to your YouTube video... Cheers @GrantSmith, ohhh I love that idea about a Date Table.. I need to make one those now.. and have a play.. I guess I need to watch that Jae video again and finish doing the whole solution... I'll have a play with both ideas.. I have a feeling your solution…
Hey @jaeW_at_Onyx No problem, it was my first post on Dojo. Feels like a great community, I hope to contribute over time (once I know what I'm doing and actually have some knowledge to share). re: = no I don't have access, be happy to be given access and add Puffball in there. Let me know how to log on..…
Hi @ST_-Superman-_ and @jaeW_at_Onyx Thanks for your help!! I FIXED IT!!! I don't know what I was doing wrong, so I striped it back to basics with a super simple example. This is what I got to work: It runs all the way through and fill my output table.. For anyone trying to get Stored Procs to work in SQL transforms..…
@jaeW_at_Onyx Here's my demo data (I import using Excel connector in DOMO) and scripts.. this is driving me mad.. I can't see the problem..
Hi @jaeW_at_Onyx Thanks so much for responding. Ok that's a red herring then. But my problem is that when I call the stored procedure (call transpose), it falls over. with the error "result consisted of more than one row" Therefore, I can never get to the next step (to query the table created in the stored proc).
Hi @jaeW_at_Onyx Thanks for the reply. Sorry I'm new and struggling to get this simple Stored Proc to run and use output table. If you check out the screenshot, the only error i get is: "result consisted of more than one row" = presumably the table I created. Thanks also for the example, it looks almost the same, the only…
Hi @ST_-Superman-_ Thanks for your help/response. Unfortunately, I tried that I'm still getting the error on "call transpose;" part see: My CREATE PROCEDURE code is.. ****************************** CREATE PROCEDURE transpose() BEGIN SELECT Progid into @sql2 FROM progtest; SET @str=concat('create table products as ',@sql2);…
Hi @ST_-Superman-_ Thanks for the reply and help. Unfortunately, I tried that and I get this error using a SQL transform SQL step: I also tried running it as a SQL Transform Table step. And then I get this error: What am I doing wrong?
Hi @ST_-Superman-_ and @trafalger I'm trying to get this to work but I can't get the results of the new table. I've tried this: SQL Transform SQL type CREATE PROCEDURE transpose() BEGIN SELECT Progid into @sql2 FROM progtest; SET @str=concat('create table products as ',@sql2); PREPARE q from @str; EXECUTE q; END It runs…