Her spirit lives forever
yes please! Send a code template!
BryceC - a free Answer for your stat line. Well done πππ
To anyone else that has this issue: I had the Google Sheet "saved" as an XLSX file, and this must've been causing the connectivity/compatibility issue. I saved it as a Google Sheet, and then it was able to connect successfully. No ClientToe needed π«π€
Domo support is asking for a "ClientToe" (??) - see below. Seems like a lot of steps for a simple problem but it's beyond my understanding so I don't know. I appreciate the screenshot of the connector you are using. However, we kindly request you to create a new connector from scratch. If you still encounter the sameβ¦
@DashboardDude πππππ
Yes, confirmed. I am on the Google Sheet, listed as an Editor
I'm sure his ETLs are HUGE
You are on the right track. This should do the trick: I'd recommend removing the hardcoded Year reference so that this can be used eternally βοΈ CASE WHEN `Submission Time` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 7 DAY) THEN 'FLAG' ELSE 'NONE' END Did that do the trick?
Even if that seems too manual to you, it's still an improvement over current state. There isn't an indicator or identifier of the month being closed. We are just dependent on another team saying "we are done!" at which point we can trust the data and publish it.
@ColemenWilson - I should've been more clear. I am currently the sole "producer"/developer in Domo, and the hope of this group is to help others gain confidence in Domo to assist in production, problem solving, and development. The purpose of this group, then, is to formalize a select few people that have demonstratedβ¦
I tried making the form that was accessible from within the app - but that's what led to the "Error Loading Form" issue! I did just get confirmation from Domo support though that there was a bug in the Form so it is perhaps resolved.
Thank you @MarkSnodgrass for the input :) When you say "make that form in Domo", I assume you mean that I can deploy it from within a normal Dashboard interface?
Anyone? Please π₯Ή
Shoot - sorry that wasn't the case. Commenting again for reach and visibility. Standing by for the GOATs πππ
Hello b_rad, In your random date validation, it looks like you typed in the dates. I'm assuming that in the working formula, you will have to reference the column that contains the dates you are trying to find the difference between. For example: DATEDIFF(month,`Start_Date`,`End_Date`) If the error you are getting is aboutβ¦
Assuming you are looking for all possible chart types, I love referencing @DashboardDude 's recipe book: It helps me see and interact with all the possible chart types. I also really like this chart from MajorDomo training. It's presented as a flow chart so you can help narrow down what you are after:
Your best bet will be a transformation in Magic ETL or through a Beastmode, but it depends on your end goal. If using this while building a card in Analyzer, you can use Beastmode and this code to achieve it: DATE_FORMAT(BIRTH_DATE,'%m/%d/%Y') If you can access Magic ETL, then you'll just use that same formula above withinβ¦
When users attempt to access their App, they get this error I suspect its something to do with the Form that is in the App since they can access the app but the Form (which is the only thing in the App) doesn't appear. I have a ticket out to Domo Support, too.
Any updates? I'm experiencing the same issue.
Hello caiorogano! Why would the sales remain constant even if products are removed? Also - what is your relationship between the datasets assuming that Salesperson is your Join Key? Is there one row per Salesperson, and values/area of operation/products are pivoted out to new rows? I want to make sure I understand before Iβ¦
Hopefully the GOATs π can chime in, but here's what I'd do: Use this CASE WHEN (you were on the right track thinking of using the CASE WHEN) to flag a date as before today: CASE WHEN `Date_Time_Start` < CURDATE() THEN 'Older' ELSE 'Newer' END This will create a new column that can signify whether the date is for a pastβ¦
Yin Fire Ox π₯π₯π₯π₯ That was wayyy too much fun @DashboardDude π
Thanks to @DashboardDude 's help, I got exactly where I needed to go: I had to move away from a PoP chart and do a standard Bar Line Chart. Here's the BeastMode that did it: CASE WHEN YEAR(`Date`) = (YEAR(CURDATE()) - 1) β this allows us to look at last year (a peculiar problem since the new year just churned β and we areβ¦
Current Year Actual, Last Year Actual, and Budget :) There's lots of TLAs in this industry (three letter acronyms) Bummer on changing the name on the legend - but I think your second answer could work. I'll just need to get away from the PoP charts and use a time-agnostic chart like multi-line or bar charts.
I agree with Manasi_Panov. PDP should be the most efficient way to handle the access rules: PDP Knowledge Base
Ours is pretty straight forward - basically just a "front door" to Domo with minimal options. This will be a fun thread to follow to hopefully revamp ours:
ππππ Thank you! (we need a new reaction for the GOATs)
@ColemenWilson - yes, I've got dates and times. That should do the trick - but there won't be a set rule for the pre-procedure events. I.e. It could be any number of things that happen before an upgraded procedure, so there won't be a rule that standardizes it. Do you think this will be an issue?
I can't figure that one out - so standing by for the GOATs to chime in. ππ