Data_Devon Member


  • I assume that this feature request suggests that it's not possible to bulk-edit this setting? Darn!
  • I think you'll have to change the "response" to the name of that column, which I think is Disposition. CASE WHEN SUM(`Disposition`= 'Good') = COUNT(*) THEN 'All Good! Omit this person' ELSE 'Mixed Reviews' END I might need an expert to chime in here….
  • CASE WHEN SUM(response = 'Good') = COUNT(*) THEN 'All Good! Omit this person' ELSE 'Mixed Reviews' What if you did a Beastmode like this ^ and then filtered to only "Mixed Reviews" That Beastmode is looking at the Count of "Good" responses, and comparing it to the Count of total responses. If those counts are equal, then…
  • I think the native Filter option on Disposition would accomplish this. Drag your disposition column into the "Filter" area in the Analyzer, then select "Good", and change the filter rule to "Not In" Voila! You'll only see responses that are NOT "Good". Is this what you were looking for?
  • Crap, you are right. I shared the wrong screenshot but I did confirm the actual graph is an overlay. Perhaps I need a different graph altogether? The Green represents a subset of Blue, so the default calculations are faulty because they end up counting green twice… I'll look at Tooltips and I'll explore a different chart…
  • Yes, I see it there! That is a much better solution anyway. Thank you, as always. Not only did you solve my problem, but you pointed me in an even better direction that I didn't know was possible!! Woohoo!!
  • Awesome, thank you both! I don't have access to Activity Logs in my Admin portal.. I'll open a ticket and see why mine doesn't show.
  • We might need more context to be as helpful as possible. What does your data look like? Could you just have one date in one column and another date in the second column, thus allowing comparison between the two?
  • Outstanding! Thank you both. It worked and the owners that received my analysis were happy. Thanks for everything.
  • I'd recommend the "Alert" functionality within Domo. From Analyzer, you can format these with the little bell 🔔 icon, or from within the Dataset view you can use the "Alerts" tab. From there, it's a simple interface to set up the alert exactly as you want, what the message is, and who it should go to. For you, you can set…
  • Awesome, thanks @ColemenWilson. I haven't learned of Variables yet so this will be a fun intro.
  • @ColemenWilson Thanks a ton! That was a very simple solution, so thanks for helping out. I now have all of our actuals and our budget appended into one gigantic dataset (the hard part). Now, how can I begin to compare budget to actuals with all these rows? I added a constant before the append, so that each row is tagged…
  • @MichelleH thanks for extra input. That is what I ended up doing - I filteredd out Evals and then I filtered out Surgeries, and then I joined them back in on eachother to get an output that had both on one line.
  • Thanks @david_cunningham ! That's exactly what I was thinking too, but the Pivot tile in Magic ETL forces you to hard-code each patient ID. (see Screenshot below) With 10,000+ patients, that is not possible. Does that make sense? w
  • @ColemenWilson Thanks for the response. Excited to make this happen. I've been assigned with creating something like this (see screenshot below). How will appending allow for comparison of the same time periods?
  • Not knowing the specifics of your join with the ETL, this could likely be from using two columns for the key. The join then will only complete where both keys are satisfied, which will likely lessen the output rows. Therefore, to resolve, find one single unique identifier in the 'gljedtail 2023' that can be joined to the…
  • I just had to add additional join keys on the final join to alleviate the duplications that were happening. This is good to go! Thanks a ton @ColemenWilson for your help.
  • Wow!! Thanks a ton for all that. I think we are super close but I must've missed something somewhere. You can see my raw data at far left. Then, I did a "Group By" per your instruction. The output was all the non-surgical appointments. I then joined this back to the original dataset because I will need the actually…
  • I'm stumped so hopefully a coach can jump in… I was able to get the format to remain, but to do so I had to import it as text (see screenshot below of un-checked "Use Raw Numbers" box. Then, in MagicETL, I used a CAST() function to change the text to a time-type data: CAST(`Call Time` AS TIME) I don't think this is quite…
  • Resurrecting this…. @david_cunningham I still don't fully understand how to Cartesian Join on the date dimension table. I oversimplified our dataset, so the screenshots you provided couldn't translate directly to our data. I want to join these two datasets to see how many appointments we have scheduled compared to how many…
  • I've had a similar issue in the past wherein a number was imported into Domo and inadvertently rounded. The number was an ID number, so rounding it renders the ID useless. (I.e. ID Number 999 and Domo rounded it to 1000 😐) The work around I found was to uncheck the "Use Raw Numbers" at the File upload point. This imports…
  • Hi ColinHaze, sounds like you've got a sweet thing going! I've always just applied a second layer to the drill path so that the filtered card is filtered yet again. If you are drilling in place, and you want those filters to also apply globally to the entire dashboard, then it should do that automatically. Just go to your…
  • Hi Brewha51! Within your dataflow "Settings" tab, you can set the time that the Dataflow will update. You could just have it update every night so its always fresh. Then, you could set an alert that triggers when the dataflow updates, and that alert could send the update to everyone. Am I on the right track here?
  • That makes sense @david_cunningham. Thank you for your thorough explanation. I see the quote of what must of been a previous question and response, but I don't see a link to the original post that your answer responded to. Perhaps that isn't important but wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something. Thank you David!!
  • Thanks David_Cunningham for a quick response! So, to clarify, I'll need to remap all of the actual columns so that they match exactly how Budget columns are reported. This is what I was afraid of 😂 "Please expand upon your aggregating up to a daily budget/actual" comment. Our actuals are on a daily basis and our budget is…
  • What about using the "Textbox" chart type, and then using [date] as the Text. This would then just be a simple caption that's populated by the date field within the dataset. That seems too easy so I must be missing something, ArborRose.
  • Awesome!! THat worked! Thank you Sean_Tully. Disappointed that Domo doesn't offer that solution natively, but I knew there would be a workaround.