Thanks much for the suggestion. I try the connector first!
Hi Grant! I just stumbled accross this as well! That seems to be new….Looks like this is doing the trick. I set it now to update all 15 minutes and store it per minute….. Thanks much again! Caroline
OMG @GrantSmith you are making my day!! This is awsome...Is this a new feature? Or did I simply overlook it... Thanks much! Caroline
This was very helpful for me!!
Hi Grant, they are entirely gone. And not only from one cards, also not related ones too. But only for my Case Age and First Response. I added them back, was not a big deal. Will watch if that happens again. The only thing I can recall doing is adding filters to the overall dashboard. Thanks again. Caroline
The SF Connector is back in the Connector search again!
Another colleague sent me this link, so I have at least access to it again Still, when I search for it, it does not show up. Not under Connectors, nor in the Appstore. Screenshot below of what shows up, when I search for Salesforce. Maybe a…
Thanks for the quick answers!! I was searching it today in the Connector list. My colleague confirmed, he also does not find it anymore. Existing data connections work though. I will send Screenshots Monday as I am out today.
@GrantSmith Thanks for the detailed explanation. Helps a lot!
I have not yet used drill paths, I just started with Domo a few weeks ago. But I definitely put it on my bucket list 😀 The issue with the thousands separator is more of an inconvenience now.
HI Mark, this did not work for me, when I drill down in data, the thousands separator shows again. In another post, I got the recommendation to change to Text format. That did the trick. Thanks!
Thanks again Grant!
HI Grant. Thanks for the answer! Just to clarify, you mean text, like here? Curious, if I do that and would like to Sum, that then won't work anymore. But not trying here anyway. Thanks again!
Opening a new topic. The thousands separator only dissapears in the preview. Not in the actual data...unfortunately....
😁 And two minutes later I found the answer myself..... In the ETL, at the Input Data Set going to Settings for Integer and change to en-US....Does the trick...