Update: Final: I was able to solve the riddle using the Variables in a beast mode! Oy vey. Now I'm truly dangerous! CASE WHEN MONTH('Select Forecast Date - variable') is not null THEN SUM( CASE WHEN 'Accounting Date' = DATE_ADD(Select 'Forecast Date - variable', INTERVAL -3 MONTH) THEN 'Forecast' ELSE 0 END ) end
@ArborRose The problem is that the data for revenue is on another row, not the same row. So I have to pivot the data some how, or use a variable. But domo doesn't allow variables in that way. I'll have to try to pivot the data somehow UPDATE: I'm wrong! I understand how to use Variables now. I'm going to update my…
Ok, so I also thought I'd be able to use variables but that is not going to work. I'm just going to build 3 different cards and stick them in the dashboard instead of trying to solve for 30,60,90 in one table.
Bang! Trim() worked ty
@MichelleH I was able to get what I needed. It just took a little work.
@MichelleH , That's what I thought. Outer joins in Magic don't work, so I was hoping I could use a beast mode. Thank you
To clarify, I mean the domo dataset I created with say a Magic ETL?
freaking brilliant! I'm going to just use as a card now and drop it into a Dashboard, so looks like that </br> isn't gonna work. But totally fine! Again, thank you so much. update: duh, I just needed to remove a space on the brackets: '<br/>'
ok, next level…is there a way to do a line break? ;)
@MarkSnodgrass brilliant! I must have been missing a paren Thank you both!
@MarkSnodgrass talk to me like I'm a 2 year old? CONCAT(Street1,' ',city,', ',state,' ',Zip) How do I wrap each one?
It just dawned on me I can put text in the Summary number. Now I can't remember how though!