CJ Member


  • Do you have a field in the data set that Id's the individual agent? If you do then just pass that from Salesforce as a filter value on that column when not logged in as an admin. When you are an admin then don't pass the filter value and you should get all the data to power those cards.
  • Yup it works well. I posted this up here a while back as well. https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Card-Building/Embedded-Cards-in-Salesforce-Dynamic-Filter/m-p/26993#M3073
  • Hey Josh, I had the same issue. I was reading this post and almost thought I wrote it. Lol. Fortunately there is something you can do to start with. It’s not ideal as the ideal state would be all the way down to the card level filter parameters with the embed feature, but it works for us and I think it will work for you as…
  • I managed to get this to work as well but can not find any documentation of all the available options we can use in pfilters. In particular I'm wondering how to set the apply to all datasets option and how you handle datatype LONG comparisons or any other data type. I can use the syntax below and get it working but the…