BCorless Domo Employee


  • This would be great for all of Domo in general, but also the Buzz desktop application.
  • Hi DrGWright, I'm sorry to learn that dataflow is failing to successfully run. The first thing is to make sure you've optimized the dataflow using the tactics described in this Help Center article: https://knowledge.domo.com/Prepare/Magic_Transforms/SQL_DataFlows/Optimizing_an_SQL_DataFlow. The suggestions include Indexing…
  • @user08167 This looks like an issue where you'll need to work with Domo Support to resolve. We reached out to the support rep and they will follow up with you shortly. Thanks!
  • @Lukas Thanks for your question! The query parameters would be based on the type of SQL you are using from BigQuery. There is either a Legacy SQL (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/legacy-sql) or Standard SQL (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/enabling-standard-sql) which can be…
  • @daniel_frossard Other than the input/output sizes provided in the data flow history, we do not yet have a section that will provide you with the dataset size. Currently, the best sorting options we have are based on the row size, but not the total data size. I would recommend searching our Ideas exchange…
  • @noza_IMJ I looked into this and it does not appear there is an auto-refresh option for the Google Sheets add-on. Since this product is in the beta stages, I would recommend using the Feedback button from within your instance to let the product team know this is something you'd like to see with this. You can also search…
  • Hi @Brian Currently, REGEX is not supported within BeastMode. However, this would be great feedback for the product teams. Please search the Ideas exchange here https://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange/idb-p/Ideas. I searched that section and didn't find a suggestion yet created, but if your idea exists then you can vote it…
  • @user003279 I may be missing what you're trying to plot, but it sounds like a Gantt chart may work for what you want to visualize. This would give you a way of categorizing the series, and the chart will plot both the "start" and "end" dates of that series as a part of the project. Would that work for your needs?…
  • @AndrewMeier While I do not know of a way to dynamically change the color in the card settings, you could set up a BeastMode to dynamically review the values and set a color using HTML. That BeastMode is likely to get pretty long pretty quickly, however. I think this would be a good candidate to submit a suggestion in the…
  • Hi @user01258 I'm not able to login to see the dataset, but a common reason for datasets to be unable to be loaded into a MySQL dataflow is due to column name lengths. MySQL imposes a limit of 64 characters for column names. Does your input dataset have any columns longer than this?…
  • Hi @user06539 We have various apps in our App Store that give a pre-configured dashboard for Salesforce data. You can then add/delete cards to better suit the data story you are trying to tell. For best practices, we have a Help Center article that can help guide you in your card and page building to tell your data's…
  • @user07036 Thank you for your question! This is something that can be managed by using the Chart Properties within the card builder. Once you have added the x-axis, y-axis, and series as desired, you can then navigate to the Chart Properties menu, select "General," and then select the options presented under "Sort on…
  • @Wenling_Zhen Thank you for your questions! For your first question, this is something typically done during a consulting engagement in which reports from your ERP system are aggregated to match the aggregations being done in Domo to validate the numbers. This may require another technical resource, so we would recommend…
  • Hi @bvaut Within this connector, you are not currently able to specify what columns are importable/exportable from one instance to another. If you do not wish to import/export certain columns or rows into another instance, you would need to exclude that information by filtering the dataset within a dataflow. You would then…
  • @jman0527 We may need additional information for this question, but if this is in regards to showing a row and column total in a chart, this is possible within a Sumo card. I have included a screen shot of a sample dataset with a category and group and the totals for both columns and rows. Please let me know if this…
  • @swagner Another option is to do a nested CASE statement to account for the divide by zero in both divisors: CASE WHEN IFNULL(`Standard`,0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN IFNULL(`Hours Active`,0) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (IFNULL(Number of Lines,0) / IFNULL(Hours Active,0)) END) / IFNULL(`Standard`,0) END
  • @ST_-Superman-_ That is correct; the chart currently makes a query to your dataset, so the chart will only be able to render dates which are present within the dataset. However, this is a great idea to build that functionality into the card itself! Since we currently do not have such an offering, please visit the Dojo…
  • This will depend on your data. To make this work, we'll need the following components in the data: * At least one date in each month in the date column * A value for at least one day within the month So in this case, your data looks like it lacks any data for June 2017. A good way to fix this is by joining your dataset…
  • Update on this: Our engineering team is currently reviewing this issue. No ETA available but we are working towards changing the behavior seen in this post.
  • @RGranada I sent you a PM for more information.
  • @user0010250 After speaking with our developers, they are going to look further into that error to give us an idea of what the next steps are to get this resolved. I'll let you know as I get updates from them.
  • @user0010250 Thank you for the below info. I'm looking into this, and will reach out as soon as I have an update. Thanks for your patience.
  • @user0010250 Researching that error, I was able to find a discussion on it on stack overflow, in which they indicate the issue is likely because the "columns are probably of type factor (check with str(X)). mapdist needs charactervectors (check ?mapdist). So you have to convert the columns using as.character beforehand."…
  • @dellowitz Looking at the documentation provided by Box on email uploads, I don't see any reason that a redirected/forwarded email would not work: https://community.box.com/t5/Managing-Your-Content/Uploading-Files-to-Box-with-Email/ta-p/319. I would recommend reaching out to Box's customer support for suggestions on what…
  • @sgraham Looking at the documenation for EDGAR filings, they have an HTTPS file system from which you could potentially make an API call. While we currently we do not have a pre-built connector to pull data from EDGAR, you can take advantage of our new integrated development environment (IDE) where we allow connectors to…
  • @Alexalto Thank you for your question regarding apps in the App Store and your MySQL datasets. Apps in the Domo App Store are pre-built to expect specific column names, and datatypes in each column. Along with each app, there is an installation guide that will describe what columns are expected. If your MySQL table does…
  • @sbstern I was following up on this. Did you need any additional assistance?