AndreaLovesData Domo Product Manager


  • There aren't currently any plans on the roadmap to upgrade MySQL to future versions. They product team is prioritizing Magic v2 development and my understanding is that they will be working to add more and more features to bring it to parity with SQL features that might not currently be available (including working on…
  • One other thought - if the filter values are available within the dataset that the card would be built from, you could write a beast mode around the card metric(s) that would only display data when the filter criteria had been met. This can be computationally intensive and maybe a bit tricky to work out the correct logic…
  • You can multi-select dataflows from the Dataflows tab in the Data Center and then disable all selected dataflows at once, which is definitely quicker than doing them one by one, but I assume you would like to do it in greater bulk than that, correct? There's not a published API for disabling dataflows, but you can sniff…
  • A few questions: Is the Python script updating the output dataset post-Magic ETL in order to update the column to 1? Is the output then brought back into the dataflow as an input? (thus creating a recursive dataflow) How are new rows added? (Via the original raw input dataset, perhaps?) Are the new rows ever updates to…