Connectors - Enhance Scheduling
Currently, the scheduling capability with respect to Connectors is based solely upon UTC (see first screenshot below). The scheduling capability available with respect to Magic ETL 2.0, however, provides the user flexibility to specify timezone (see second screenshot below). Can the scheduling capability with respect to…
Customize Alert Schedule
The option to create a custom alert schedule would be really helpful! For example, I have an alert to see if my dataset is updated by row counts daily, but for datasets that have an upload schedule of Tuesday-Saturday it will trigger on Sunday and Monday, which isn't ideal. If this idea was posted already, please let me…
Does domo allow a dataflow to run for more than 24 hours
I have dataflow that gets failed when it tries to completely run a dataflow that runs more than a day. Is there any solution. can the dataflow can run more than a day. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Dataset Scheduler - Timezone list limit and/or alphabetic sort
As a new customer setting up datasets, the time zone selector is just a poor UX. First off, the time zones aren't sorted any logical way. It would be nice if they were at least alphabetic. Type to search would be helpful. But my primary "idea" is to add functionality at the Admin level to limit the time zone selectors to a…
Option to schedule datasets in UTC or local time
When we schedule datasets today, Domo schedules them in UTC, so there are no adjustments for Daylight Savings changes. This means that we need to reschedule datasets that must refresh at a specific time of day locally (i.e., 6 AM Central Time, regardless of whether we are in Standard or Daylight Savings time) twice a year…
DataSet Scheduling Hub
It would be nice to have a centralized place to view and manage the scheduling for all existing DataSets.
Documentation to sync writeback tiles
During my Domo trial, myself and the sales team helping me, had trouble getting data to writeback to both Google Sheets and Google Big Query. After a lot of experimentation and clicking around, we discovered the issue was that the write back tile in the workflow needed the same schedule settings as the workflow. It would…
Is there any way to schedule file uploads to Domo apart from Workbench?
So just as the question states, I am a new user in the planning stage and I am trying to figure out if Workbench is the solution I have to upload my .xls files to Domo. Is it possible to access Files saved on Microsoft Sharepoint or Teams for example?
Scheduled Report Limit?
I'm trying to Schedule a Dashboard. It is not on a schedule yet. However, I get the "Edit Scheduled Reports"
Scheduled Workbench Jobs not Running: The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.Service
We have several scheduled Workbench jobs that are extracting data from SQL Server tables and loading to DOMO data sets. The jobs are failing to run at their scheduled times, but I am able to run them manually without issue. They are showing this error: Strangely, only some of our jobs are showing this error. We have other…
How do I create a Merge Key for Azure Synapse SQL Connector?
We have a large dataset that we update daily, we want to change from the "Replace" update setting to the "Merge" setting. It asks for a "Merge Key Location" - the input field just continuously tries to load something How do we switch to the Merge update method?
Scheduled Reports Question
Hello. Can I setup two scheduled reports, on the same dashboard? I don't see this option... It looks like Domo only allows me to setup one scheduled report...per dashboard... Jarrell
Scheduled report with a repeated card
Hi I want to create a scheduled report to be sent by mail. However, I have a special requirement: I want one of the cards of the source dashboard to appear "duplicated" several times on the email report, each time with a different filter. For example, if the original dashboard has a "sales per day of the week" card, I…
Scheduled report not being received in email inbox
I recently started using Domo and scheduled a report. The history states success, but was never sent to my email inbox. Any thoughts?
Dataset jobs not running on set schedule
I've been running into issues where Workbench is scheduled to run a job every morning at 6 AM, but when I open Workbench at 9 or 10 AM the job hasn't run and the status under the job name just shows "Next run scheduled for 6:00 AM". Has anyone run into this?
Workbench Scheduler to Batch Run Jobs
First some background...there are 6 Jobs that I need to run in Workbench every day. The source data becomes available at different times and I need to manually format the sorce files for all 6 before upload, so I can't set a daily time schedule to automatically upload. The last of the 6 uploads triggers an ETL to run, so…
Add Alert Scheduling Options
Right now, the alerts in Domo have very limited scheduling options. It would be incredibly useful to add more scheduling options, similar to DataSet/DataFlow run schedules. Quarterly would be nice, like last day of the quarter. And a certain number of days after trigger. Currently, the options are very limiting and they…