Drill Path Indicator

Displaying an icon or some sort of indicator next to a card title to indicate that a user can click on something on the card to drill for further detail would greatly improve the user experience on a dashboard. Currently, a user has no idea what will happen when clicking on a card in a dashboard as there are at least 4 different options that can be configured.

Also, the designer of the dashboard has no way to quickly look at a dashboard and know what will happen with each card on the dashboard unless they edit the dashboard and check the interaction of each card, which is a very tedious process.

A visual indicator would greatly help the user experience for both the users of the dashboard and the designers of the dashboard.

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18 votes

In Backlog · Last Updated

Thanks for this feedback, we have discussed options for this enhancement and will provide configuration options in the future.


  • akeating
    akeating Contributor

    I agree. We currently add an icon to the end of the card title if a drill is available, but it would be wonderful if it were system-generated rather than relying on users to remember to add it!

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  • erikjamesmason
    edited September 2024

    big fat agree with both @MarkSnodgrass and @akeating -

    this section from mark stands out to me as something that would greatly enhance our creation process:

    Also, the designer of the dashboard has no way to quickly look at a dashboard and know what will happen with each card on the dashboard unless they edit the dashboard and check the interaction of each card, which is a very tedious process.

    it also might help create more engagement for some of our new users who are uncertain as to what drill-downs actually are and how they work