Resizing cards within App Studio

user031170 Member
edited April 2024 in App Studio Ideas

When resizing pages on tabs within App Studio you can end up with really large cards at the bottom.

This is due to using a tab container and that has a minimum height depending on how the cards are setup in different tabs. If the second/third tab have a greater number of cards and has a larger height, the first tab will also need to maintain that minimum height. The way this can mitigated right now is to use a spacer so it can show up smaller or change the height of content on other tabs.

The challenge with adding a spacer is you can do some shrinking, but overall it appears it is looking at the size of the largest page/tab. The problem is when have multiple pages too large, you can't really shrink them all, thus you are left with multiple pages that have a lot of extra scrolling. Ideally, each page on a tab would be independent of any size set on another tab.

9 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Thanks for the feedback, we're looking at different ways this could be addressed. We have some other capabilities with new pane layouts that could be an option for this. More to come in the future.


  • Desperately need this addressed. The team was excited to start using App Studio and Tab containers were a great way to segment out our data depending on which team is looking at it but it requires a lot of upkeep and checking to make sure each tab gets spaced correctly so you don't have cards that look bad.

  • Agreeing here, it makes the flow much more difficult.

  • Related convo here! Would love to see this enhanced.

    Broadway + Data
  • Completely agree with this. Everytime I make changes to contents of a new tab I have to go back and resize the cards of the other tabs and there's no point of reference across tabs, so when you tried to resize it back you may also unintentionally resized down the card sizes from the first tab which has more contents.