Form builder and Form Viewer questions

I have created a few forms using the form builder and viewer:

  1. Currently, the form builder settings include an option to make questions optional. However, the form viewer does not allow me to submit the form without filling in the optional questions.
  2. I am unable to adjust the size of the 'labels' to our required size as it only offers three predetermined sizes.
  3. If a user selects 'other' as one of the options, we require them to specify their choice immediately after selecting the 'other' option. How can this logic be implemented using the form builder?
  4. If we are enabling the user to multi-select options, how can we restrict or limit the number of options they can select?
  5. There is an option to explain the response for certain options, but the text appears very small and is not easily visible to users. How can I enlarge it and darken the font color?
  6. How can I require a question to be answered before moving on, rather than only displaying a message at the end?



  • @art_in_sky - did you get the answers you needed on the other question? Or is this still something you need us to review and respond to?

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  • Thank you @ArborRose for your response. Looks like these functionalities are not feasible through form builder, the misconfiguration issue on 'Required' marking of questions is currently being reviewed by support team.