Data Labels should default as the Field Name

I may be way off base here but I believe its a fairly common practice to use a naming convention for your data fields like "LoanNumber" or "BorrowerFullName" because it makes it easier to search for data fields when writing Beast Modes, etc.

What I'm wondering is why the field name doesn't default in the Data Label field so we can simply place our curser and hit the space bar to create "Loan Number" or "Borrower Full Name", as examples? I believe that Title case (Loan Number) looks better than coding naming practices (LoanNumber) but its laborious when you have to retype 20-30 column names on a data table.

Could that be an update to DOMO as a default or at least as a profile or card setting?

Thanks for the consideration!

7 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Thanks for sharing your idea! We're currently reviewing it for future enhancements. Stay tuned for updates! 👍


  • YES PLEASE! I keep meaning to put this one in!

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  • @KenzieBrown @JaneMoore @KCSpencer

    If you like this idea please upvote and like the suggestion

  • It can be so tedious having to retype out the entire field name when you only need to add a space. I think this is a GREAT idea!!

  • DOMO_Dan
    DOMO_Dan Member
    edited April 2024

    I've noticed that this already occurs when Controls are added to a card. You just have to add two spaces instead of retype the whole name again. Why NOT add this same functionality to the Data Labels too?