Dynamic "Last Business Day" filter

Hello Domo product team,

Submitting the following: would be great to see the option of dynamically filtering cards by last business day. For reference, this feature should be included in the top right corner inside Analyzer.

Thank you for your consideration!

27 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Thanks for sharing your idea! We're currently reviewing it for future enhancements.


  • It would be great to be able to filter cards to see the latest business day!

  • Making this available as part of the date filters would certainly come in handy. In the meantime, you could work something out by joining and leveraging the Domo Calendar dataset and some ETL. Clearly this might be slightly tricky since your business might have different holidays, especially if you work across borders or in a non-US territory 🤔

  • Even last weekday would be a great option to add in! If last business day is too complicated

  • Matt Tannyhill
    Matt Tannyhill Domo Product Manager

    @Victoria_G1 great idea! Our team is reviewing this idea to see if it's something we could add in to our product in the future– thanks for sharing!

    Matt Tannyhill

    Domo – Product Manager

    Data Analysis & Visualization

  • kp13
    kp13 Member

    This would be a highly beneficial product feature!!