Azure Dev Ops Connection

Byboth Contributor

Hi, I am trying to get data from azure dev ops. For work item type data. I have the azure dev ops connector but it does not provide me all the data I need. I have tried odata but that is not working due to auth errors. I have a case open to investigate. Has anyone used a different pattern beyond azure dev ops connector or odata connector to get data from azure dev ops

Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Byboth

    Typically if a Domo connector doesn't get me all the information I need I'll either write my own custom connector or utilize python, the pydomo package and the associated platform's API SDK packages to pull the information I need. This gives me more control over how I pull and process the data.

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Byboth

    Typically if a Domo connector doesn't get me all the information I need I'll either write my own custom connector or utilize python, the pydomo package and the associated platform's API SDK packages to pull the information I need. This gives me more control over how I pull and process the data.

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