Allow sorting of quick filters

edited August 2023 in Analyzer Ideas

Currently, we have many academic years in some reports but usually need to sort by the newest. However, all the order academic years are at the top of the filter and we need to scroll down the filter to get the current year.

Having the ability to sort this so the data currently on the bottom would be on the top would be extrememly helpful and help efficiancy.

7 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Thanks for sharing your idea! We're currently reviewing it for future enhancements. Stay tuned for updates! 👍


  • I believe the controls match the sort of the dataset or card.

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  • Can confirm with original post, the quick filter order does not match the sort order dictated within the analyzer.
    We do have many similar instances where it would be super helpful to display the most recent dates at the top of the filter.

    It isn't the biggest deal to scroll, but it is an experience enhancement that would be a dream!

    Thanks for all your hard work, I know we ask a lot, only because we know how awesome everyone at Domo is!