Dashboard Ideas

Dashboard Ideas

Scheduled Report - Excel Attachement

edited December 2023 in Dashboard Ideas

Allow scheduled reports to attach the data in excel format rather than csv. CSV files don't keep special characters in the data, so accented characters are messed up in the CSV.

35 votes

Implemented · Last Updated

Thanks for this feedback, this has been implemented in Pivot and Mega tables where formatting is kept when exporting to Excel.


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  • My customers are also requesting Excel be available for scheduled report attachments. We have the same problem with special characters in CSV.

  • Bumping this again as pivot tables lose their formatting as well when sent as .csv in scheduled reporting attachments.

  • Member

    We need the option to send scheduled reports in Excel format (rather than CSV) in order to maintain formatted header rows and conditional formatting within the data table.

  • Hi @mberkeley, @spodnar, @Moose, @JerryB.

    So if you want to send datasets as excel files, you could use this push connector:

    HOWEVER, it's just a dataset that is pushed into someone's sFTP. Sounds like you all just want an attachment as excel and not a csv which I don't think is possible at the moment. Regardless if you sent an excel or csv from domo, you would lose conditional formatting unfortunately.

    One other trick is to allow your clients to use the excel add in where they can select a dataset and just download that into their excel. I have an article on that here: Site faviconTop 5 Microsoft Office + Domo tricks to impress your boss an

    I know, not the right answers you want to hear, but trying to give you something to work with.

    John Le

    Let me make you the me of your organization for Domo

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  • Member

    This is needed for data accuracy. My company has data with special symbols, non-English language characters, and numbers with leading zeroes. All are stripped when a report consumer opens the csv format attachment on Domo scheduled reports. I'm curious why this is such a big challenge for an innovative organization like Domo?

  • Domo Product Manager

    Thanks for this feedback, this has been implemented in Pivot and Mega tables where formatting is kept when exporting to Excel.

  • Would also like to see scheduled reports in Excel vs CSV. The formatting of table cards is completely removed when exported to csv, including rows with subtotals. This makes it difficult for the end user to properly interpret the data that is being sent.

  • Member

    Just want to confirm if the feature on the schedule report will have Excel format instead of just csv as of right now?

  • Contributor

    I can see this has been marked as implemented but I don't think this is correct. The original post asked for Excel attachments when sending scheduled reports. Currently the only option is CSV.

  • Same here. I still only see CSV files on Scheduled Report attachments.

  • Same here, seeing CSV option only on scheduled reports. Would be great to have an Excel option too. Any idea when this option will be added? Thanks

  • Contributor

    I have this working in my account, but I don't have a choice between CSV and Excel. Excel is automatically used. I believe this is a Domo-managed configuration change for your tenant.

  • Contributor

    @mberkeley so you can receive a native Excel file and definitely not a csv that you use Excel to open ?

  • Contributor
    edited April 2024

    @Jones01 That is correct. I am able to receive card-based scheduled reports as an .XLSX file, keeping all of the UTF-8 characters. I don't have an option to choose XLSX or CSV. It sends an XLSX file for all card-based scheduled reports.

  • Contributor

    @mberkeley thanks very much for confirming. This sounds like another feature switch. I have requested this to be switched on for us.

  • Would it not be better to give users the option to decide whether they want to receive a csv or a xlsx?

    @Jones01 how can I request the feature switch please? thanks

  • Contributor

    @Jones01 This was originally built for us. I don't know how far Domo has gone in making this an easily turned-on option for other tenants. Please let others in this thread know if you are successful!

  • Contributor

    @Luka_V I agree, I would like to have the option as well, but I did get what I needed and haven't pursued this any further.

  • Contributor

    @Luka_V the option would be better but 99% of the time going to Excel is best and then users can go to CSV from that if they really need to

  • Contributor

    @mberkeley @Luka_V I can confirm this is a feature switch and that we've had this enabled on all of our instances. This is a great update for us.

  • Contributor

    @Jones01 Thanks for confirming. The feature was built specifically for us. I'm glad they made it accessible to everyone via a feature switch.

  • This is great to know! Thanks for sharing 😎

    David Cunningham

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