Filter Interactions with other Filters

Dear Domo Support,

We can set filters interacting with other filters in a dashboard. However, when we change a filter selection, the selections in the other filters are as is and this can show invalid or no data in the cards.

Here's the filter interaction scenario. We have 4 filters. Filter 1 interacts with filters 2, 3, and 4. Filter 2 interacts with filters 3 and 4. Filter 3 interacts with filter 4. The interactions are linear and in one direction only.

Filter 1 → Filter 2 → Filter 3 → Filter 4

Can we have a feature added wherein when a filter selection is updated, the remaining filters should have their selections reset.

For example, if a new selection is made in Filter 2, then Filters 3 and 4 would get reset (all selections would be de-selected). So when Filter 3 and 4 get reset, the respective cards would only show results from Filters 1 and 2. Filter 1 would remain as is as Filter 2 does not interact with Filter 1.

Hope this scenario explains the idea.

Warren Rebello

24 votes


  • please implement this. Not relevant values should be removed and filters should reset once other value selected in other filter

  • I agree, this approach will prevent the cards from breaking and avoid confusing the end user. It also eliminates the need to remove filters just to reset everything.