Default Filter Selection

SherryR Contributor

I would love to see Domo add an option to filters where you can select the default answer, such as always selecting the first option. This would allow the object to be display with a filtered selection upon opening. We found a work around by adding a brick with a script to select the first option, but it only works on desktop, not mobile. If this was native to Domo this would solve this issue.

13 votes


  • How is this different than a default filter view?

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  • SherryR
    SherryR Contributor

    @DavidChurchman I should have went into the PDP issue… We were unable to get the filters to default to the first option due to PDP. In this use case, we have district managers over stores. The PDP restricts the managers to their stores. We want it to default to the first store in their list, which wouldn't the same store for everyone.

  • Jones01
    Jones01 Contributor

    absolutely need this.

    an addition to this would be to also not allow a filter to be cleared as we have boards where the visualisations don't make sense when looking at looking at all of the data without it being filtered.

    @SherryR out of interest what was your workaround. was it a complete new filter made in a brick or a script that controlled the native filter somehow?