rdomo package - dictate schema

I recently encountered a parsing error when creating a dataset using rdomo, where a text field was being interpreted as a date field. Misinterpreting datatypes when pushing to Domo or retrieving from Domo happens, but this was the first time where I couldn't find a solution. Through support, we were able to create a dataset where we could dictate the schema first, then upload the data. (Code example below). It would be nice if this was another parameter in the ds_create function. Something similar might also be beneficial in the ds_get function so we can tell R what datatypes are expected.

url <- "https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets"

payload <- list(
name = "Domo Support Case R",
description = "Dev",
rows = 0,
schema = list(
columns = list(
list(type = "Long", name = "Id"),
list(type = "STRING", name = "File_Name")

payload_json <- toJSON(payload, auto_unbox = TRUE)

Send request to create dataset

response <- POST(
body = payload_json,
'Authorization' = paste('Bearer', access_token),
'Content-Type' = 'application/json',
'Accept' = 'application/json'
encode = "json"

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Submitted and awaiting review from product team · Last Updated