AutoFit Dashboard Screen - as per System Screen Resolution

We are facing difficulties in many dashboards as it is not adjusting as per System's screen resolution. Many times we need to adjust it manually from browser settings.

11 votes

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  • Yes very much required. When we are rendering reports in multiple screens in corporate offices reports resolution & alignment are causing issues..

  • ckwright
    ckwright Domo Product Manager

    @Dabur Thanks for this feedback, what type of device and screen sizes are not rendering in the way you need? Are you using auto width?

  • Agree! The alignment is a nightmare! For anyone Domo-side who wants to test it, find a dashboard with text boxes in it and look at it on differently sized screens.

    You will see that the carriage returns on text boxes are in different places. Depending on that spacing, you will end up with scroll bars where they would not be present on other screen sizes.

    I have tried testing designs on my laptop to make sure they don't have this issue, but even laptop to laptop, it will make a page look like garbage.

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