Form builder limitations and development

  • Currently, the form builder has only three predetermined font sizes. This limitation makes the 'explain your response' box too small to notice the text written in it. It would be nice to have options for custom sizes and format changes.

  • The multiple selection checkbox is hard to identify because it looks like a single-value option. A radio button versus checkbox option to distinguish the two would be helpful.
  • Currently, there is no conditional logic configuration for the 'Other (specify)' options. Having a configuration with conditional logic that immediately pops up a text box to explain their response for choosing 'Other' would be helpful.
  • For multi-select responses, it would be beneficial if we could limit the number of options a user can select. For example, in the configuration, we could add an option to limit the number of responses for multi-select (e.g., 5, 4, etc.).
  • Currently, the form does not navigate users to the required questions and only indicates missing responses at the end of the submission. For forms with a large number of questions, it would be nice to notify users immediately before moving to the next question or page, ensuring they answer the required questions.
  • Lastly, there is a misconfiguration in the form builder that prevents users from submitting optional questions. Correcting this configuration would be useful.
  • Last, A thank you template to display after a successful form submission would be great.

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