Faceted Chart - Summary lines (Min, Max, Avg) issue

pramnani Domo Employee
edited July 2024 in Charting Ideas

Submitting this on behalf of our customer

  1. Faceted Chart when used with multiple items (chart stacked on top of each other), hiding grid lines option works and no summary lines are visible (See screenshot Faceted_Multiple_charts)
  2. However, when used with single items and there are no chart to stack, it brings back the summary lines even when the 'hide grid lines' option is checked in chart properties (See screenshot Faceted_single_chart)

Ideally, if the given option is checked, it should not show the summary lines, even if only single series item / chart is being used.

Domo Support



2 votes


  • I would add that the behavior when they do appear should be to calculated by facet, not overall.

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