Make Exporting, User Comments, and Real Time Collaboration Possible within App Studio

There are two main concerns my team has which is preventing us from utilizing App Studo more: 1) the inability to export cards or outputs to Excel/PPT and 2) the inability for users to communicate or point out key findings with each other in the platform.

A majority of dashboards we create typically require and/or influence communication between stakeholders on what actions we should take to address Y or prompt a stakeholder to find out what's driving X reulsts and why. However, as of today I'm not aware of a way for one stakeholder to communicate such points with another in the platform and to an extent and easy way to do it outside of the platform.

Giving users the ability to either add commentary to cards/in tables or highlight specific sections could help address this. It seems users only have the ability to filter and that severely limits the what they can do when collaborating with others if they aren't sitting side-by-side. Another potential solution could be to add the ability for one user to quickly share what they're seeing, without having to share the specific filters or drill downs they've done. This could be achieved via exporting, but also allowing users to quickly send a link or email from the platform on what exactly they're looking at.

16 votes

In Progress · Last Updated

Thank you so much for your feedback! We are currently scoping out and working on kicking off development for report support in App studio!