Export on cards with embedded Domo Everywhere App Studio

I know there's been some back and forth on whether exporting the entire app page is a viable solution with new tabbed experiences, custom bricks, etc, but the lack of any sort of export on standard domo visualizations and tables is a massive hinderance to adoption for anyone expecting to use app studio as an embedded analytics solution.

Currently with embed, there are no options to enable to disable exporting or even to disable the expansion of cards (which should be an option, when expanding a card you lose all the themes inside of app studio). I think this should be the top priority as the next update to app studio, even before publish functionality.

23 votes

In Progress · Last Updated

We are currently in the process of scoping and developing the option to support exports on individual cards in Embed and also passing theme colors in expand mode for App studio! We don't have an exact ETA at the moment but the first item is scheduled for our roadmap and the latter is in development!


  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor
    edited April 24

    I hear this the most from client's switching to app studio.

    Definitely would be a very useful feature that I know 4 clients are waiting on to switch to App Studio over dashboards.

    Loom video of what's requested:

    I also attached an image

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  • Exporting from app studio is definitely a feature we would value

  • LeeJo
    LeeJo Member

    100% agree. I'm completely ready to switch to domo app, but the inability to export standalone cards prevents it. I completely understand the hesitation/complication for the whole app, but on the card itself it seems straightforward enough.

  • MattTheGuru
    MattTheGuru Contributor
    edited May 15

    @Catherine_Itman & @LeeJo

    I have made a workaround for this, but just making a ddx brick button that does exporting:

    Also check out my website if you ever want to whitelabel the whole app studio experience and put it on your own domain: https://www.clearsquare.co/white-labeled-dashboard-portal

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  • I'll take a look - thank you!

  • Jones01
    Jones01 Contributor

    any news on this feature?

  • Another ping if there are any updates from the DOMO side

  • jrtomici
    jrtomici Member

    This feature really needs to be added. Almost no point in migrating our dashboards to apps if users can't export content