Remove Abbreviation on Gauge Chart Targets

Enrique Member
edited March 13 in Charting Ideas

Remove Abbreviation on Gauge Chart Targets. Use real numbers for Target Summary versus being forces to use an abbreviation of the number with (K). At least an option to use actual number.

5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Strongly support this, option to remove abbreviations should be available on all cards. Especially when you look at a Filled Gauge (has option) vs Radial (doesn't have option), sometimes forced to use filled gauge because the abbreviations aren't appropriate.

  • @Craig_Lynch We have added the feature that allows turning off abbreviations for the Radial Gauge. This will be coming in a future release.

  • @Enrique We have added the feature that allows turning off abbreviations for the Radial Gauge. Does this resolve your concern? If not, please let me know. Thanks.