profile setting: "don't show this again" for the "Invite your team" pop-up

Please, consider adding a profile setting (persistent) to define if I want the "invite your team" pop-up to show up or not.

Currently, the ability to avoid the pop-up depends on browser cookies. I would prefer to see it persistent in my "server-side session".

Please consider that some Companies manage browser settings for their employees and Security Officers might decide to clear all cookies and cache when sessions end, by policy, not giving the individual user a chance to redefine this behaviour.

(And besides company policies forced upon users, some users might actually prefer to keep their browsers configured to delete cookies and cache as a mattter of personal preference).

Besides that, some users (developers; testers, QA, etc) are tasked with testing functionaility on many different browsers, to ensure all features work as expected for all end-users. The constant pop-up and constant need to configure cookies becomes annoying (pretty fast).

IMHO, linking this setting to the user profile would give users a better UX.

HTH, Thanks.

Marcelo Finkielsztein

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  • Also the share pop up every time a new card is created!