Scroll Bar in Bar Charts

asiligato Member
edited December 2023 in Charting Ideas

I would like to suggest the possibility to add (optionally) a scroll bar within the card’s dashboard view like the expanded card view, when the "limit row" is not an option due to customer needs.

That because when a Bar Chart with a lot bars is placed in a small place into a dashboard, The card's automatic solution is to hide some labels, say every 3rd label depending on card size, to make sure it can fit enough labels on the axis to show context.

But this behavior can be missleading when looking to a card.

21 votes

In Review · Last Updated

Looking into this option


  • This would be terrific to have! 🤩

  • I would like to strongly advocate for this. I recently led the project team that selected Domo for my organization and have to say this is the one feature in our POC that nearly prevented me from going with Domo. I have had a lot of problems with limiting the rows in my dashboards and know that this is standard in your competitors' products. It affects everything from the overall size and readability of my dashboards to the access my users have to the scope of our data.

  • I would like this feature as well since it is available in other BI tools, and the client expects to see it in a bar chart.