Transparency on Optimizations for Dataset Views and Adrenaline Dataflows.

It is unclear when datasets have been optimized for View / Card performance. It would be ideal if there were some sort of indicator as to what had been done, or which columns have been optimized. This would empower data pipeline engineers to understand where improvements had been made or if additional optimization could be requested.

It's nice when Adrenaline Dataflows magically go from non-working to working, but it creates confusion and breeds a sense of platform inconsistency.

Maybe a badge in the datacenter or on the Schema tab of a dataset.

In a similar vein for dataflows and cards. I believe Domo automatically optimizes / right-sizes the processing environment for the task. If a Domo Engineer intervenes and either "throws more horsepower" at the environment (like Tiers in Jupyter Notebooks) it would be ideal if that intervention was a bit more transparent.

If there were two tiers of Adrenaline for example, knowing that a card query was executing on the base tier as opposed to the "premium tier" -- if that exists -- would allow users to request additional optimization and if necessary assess whether the incremental cost (if there was one) was worth it.

Jae Wilson
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2 votes

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  • Oleksi framed the issue as: "Currently there's a 1 minute maximum to query run time in Adrenaline. If the datasetview runs more it fails, that's why we need to ask to increase that limit. AS for example group by on 500M rows View is failing"

    I believe this issue is resolved by SQL engineers optimizing the dataset for performance in the View, but again, it would be ideal if that optimization had an artifact in the UI.

    Jae Wilson
    Check out my 🎥 Domo Training YouTube Channel 👨‍💻

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