Suppress Sections/Collections on Dashboards

jvanis Member
edited February 2023 in Other Ideas

I would like my users to be able to suppress certain cards or collection of cards prior to exporting pages.

Some times the users want more details for certain clients, and instead of having multiple pages, some with less cards, and some with more, I thought it would be great if they could just filter on sections, that would actually remove those cards before exporting. Maybe you can filter by Tags? Or by Collection Name? It would need to work on Story pages!!

Currently I duplicated the page, and have one page with all the cards, and one page with specific sections removed, but feel there should be a better way, as this just creates too many pages, that just confuses users as to what page they need or want.

5 votes

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  • Ritwik
    Ritwik Contributor

    Agree. I would also be fine if it would be possible that a card disappears if there is no data - we already can give it a custom message, but would be nice if it was completely gone from the page/export.