Tagging Cards

BrianBeau Member
edited February 2023 in Other Ideas

Our team currently performs an audit of our Domo instance once a month to ensure an optimized environment and that users are actually using the metrics provided. We have a lot of projects that are under development so we generally have a "DEV" naming convention and tag for any dataset or dataflow that we know isn't in production yet. This is great for checking on our in development datasets, but we cannot do this on a card level as well.


Add the ability to tag cards in the same fashion as data sets and flows to make them searchable and filterable. This would be useful not only for admins but users as well as long as the tags are maintained properly (monthly audit is suggested).

6 votes

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  • @BrianBeau I think the certification process is intended to be used to support this requirement.

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  • @jaeW_at_Onyx I'm not sure that's the same idea here. Certifying a card doesn't give it a tag or organize it in a searchable fashion. This idea wouldn't just be used for identifying dev vs. production cards for admins but could also be used to group certain types of cards (trends, KPIs, categorical, etc) or by specific business measures or segments further in granularity than pages and collections can offer.