Adding "Last Updated" Label to Card
Is there a way to add a "Last Updated On....." label to a card? Our data updates roughly every 2-3 hours and we would like the users to see on the card when the data was last updated. Example: Last Updated: 2/14/2020 10:21AM MST Thanks, Ryan
ETL - adding a field based off a Case Statement Help
Currently we have an Access Query that has an expression created to add a field with a value to our data. Below is the expression written in MS Access N/P: IIf(([DWQRYDATA_DCINVAUD]![NEW_QTY]-[DWQRYDATA_DCINVAUD]![OLD_QTY])*[DWMIRROR_IMASTER]![ICOSTP]>0,"P","N") I need to add the same function to the ETL for my report I am…
Beast Mode for Summary on Card Needed
I am not strong with case statements (working on it). How do I build a beast mode for the Summary Section of a card that will display the date range and total dollars. Below is a beast mode we created for our report (card) to display results, I just cant get the date range and figures to show in the Summary. CASE WHEN…
Ownership for Alerts
When a team member leaves our organization and is the owner of alerts, we need the ability to change ownership as well as create Co-owners.