Error while updating dataset schema using DOMO CLI
HI, i tried to change the scehma of one API dataset using DOMO CLI and the command set-scehma. After i noticed i update the schema with uncorrect columns as upsert . i tried to run back with the original schema but i got the following error. Index progress error for dataset ae4f6f65-5ebf-47b1-9213-fe73ee5dfdcd. Indexing…
Commiting data before update in dataflow
Hi, i would like to know if there is a way to commit data before getting update in dataflow. We have use kafka to push records to dataset from file. with kafka we can set up how many records we expect so before pushing to dataset we can confirm the number of records in the file and commit it . Now we would like to avoid…
alert if no datasets run on current day
Hi, i have 4 datasets which are supposed to be updated daily from API. we have some daily monitoring through domo stats that alert us in case of the number of datasets which are update is less than 4. But we notice if no datasets have been updated on the day then alert don't trigger as it has no data to track. I would like…